Chance for GREAT Organic chemistry school?

<p>Hi, I'm an undergrad at a very large public institution, and I'm applying to graduate school</p>

- Three years organic chemistry research experience in the same lab
- Two upcoming publications and potentially up to two more depending on my progress (but none will be published by the time I apply)
- Submitted Abstract to ACS National Meeting
- Straight A's through my entire organic series (and several A+)</p>

<p>Now for the bad stuff
- Major GPA dropped to a 3.3 because one quarter I really really screwed up and was going through some (hopefully understandable?) personal issues. Overall GPA still a 3.7. I'm really bad at physical chemistry :&lt;/p>

<p>I have this overwhelming desire to go to top tier schools like Columbia, Berkeley, MIT, or Harvard but I don't know if I really stand a chance.</p>


<p>I forgot to say that I also have taken three organic chemistry graduate courses (two of which are the hard synthesis classes) and have a specialization in computing (even though I want to go into purely lab-work organic chemistry)</p>

<p>I don’t think I’m getting the whole picture…you also need to tell us your GRE scores, your letter of recommendation writers, your weight, height, first crush, and favorite color…you don’t do much reading around here do you? /s</p>

<p>Well to be honest, no. I rarely am on this board and the last time I was here was like three years ago but I thought it was a great resource then and I think it would still be now?</p>

<p>Anyways my PI’s letter of rec is definitely gonna be great. He told me the other day that I “Operate at the level of a senior grad student” so I’m only guessing he throws that in to his letters of rec. 2nd rec comes from my Professor of Computing, with whom I did an independent research contract and who’s class I kicked major butt in. and the third is from a faculty member who presides over a journal-club format class where we present a paper for two hours in excruciating depth. He thought that I did a really excellent job at presenting my paper even though I was presenting on a topic that I had almost no background in.</p>

<p>GRE Scores have not been released yet (I took the new GRE) but the brackets I got was
Verbal 620-720
Math 750-800</p>

<p>Taking the Chemistry GRE Next saturday</p>