Chance for HYP type of school?

<p>I am posting this for a friend.</p>

<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Asian
Current Grade: About to start senior year (In singapore, schools run from the beginning to the end)
Financial Aid: Applying for all the need blind schools</p>

-On a scale of 4, all unweighted
-Please see it with the notice that her school's tests are crazily hard
Freshman Year – 3.78
Sophomore Year – 3.87
Junior(GPA is not used, the subjects are in A level syllubus):
General Paper -B
Econs -A
Bio- A
Chem -A
Math -A</p>

<p>SAT I
First time: 2280
Second time: 2340</p>

SAT Math Level 2 - 800
SAT Chemistry – 790
SAT Biology M – 800</p>

<p>AP Tests (All self study)
AP Psychology - 5
AP Calculus AB – 5
AP Chemistry – 5
AP Physics B – 5
AP Biology – 5
AP Marco Econs - 5
AP Micro Econs - 5
AP Calculus BC – not taken yet</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities
- Science Summer School Programmes at the University of Cambridge (UK)
- Science Research Programme with pofessors in Junior year
- HP Global Business Challenge Semi-finalists
- Biological Science Society Exco Head
- Economics & Current Affair Society
- Model UN
- Humanitites Research Programme with professors in Freshmen and Sopho years
- 400+ community service hours</p>


<p>Her grades would do fine - if she was non-international. </p>

<p>It’s 20x harder for a Singaporean to get in, honestly. >< </p>

<p>So… they’ll all be high reaches for her, except for chicago or berkeley. Dartmouth would be slightly harder, and the other 3 much harder.</p>

<p>I thought ivies didn’t care so much about internationals. All those schools are good and difficult to get into. But I think you definitely have a chance to get into any of them, none is out of reach.</p>

<p>good stats… and oh another rj kid haha…</p>

<p>all high reaches, being international is very tough. An international in need of financial aid is even worse.</p>

but i thought she is only applying for need blind schools?
which doesnt lower her chances?</p>

<p>^ A lot of schools are need blind for US citizens, but not for internationals. The OP has decent stats, but international admission is very difficult.</p>

<p>I think when she said that she wanted to apply to need blind schools, she is talking about the international need blind schools.</p>

<p>I hope she applied to some safeties.</p>

<p>^ i think she is applying to Duke as safety. if i am not wrong.</p>

<p>^ there’s no way duke’s gonna be your friend’s safety, especially if she is applying for aid. this coming from her rj senior who’s also applying to duke</p>