Chances for the top notch schools?

<p>Planing to apply for gerneral science and biochemistry to:
Cambridge(apply for medicine for cambridge too)</p>

<p>Am I aiming too high? Should I change my plans?</p>

<p>Place: Singapore
Gender: Female
GPA(out of a 4.0 GPA, they are never weighted):
Freshmen: 3. 72
Sophomore: 3.82</p>

<p>Junior is not out yet.
But I do know my ranking for my sophomore year.
Top 4% out of a VERY competitive school. Raffles Girls, if anyone knows.</p>

All self studied, all five
Macro Econs
Micro Econs
Physics B
Calculus AB
Calculus BC</p>

Freshmen year: 214
Sophomore year: 227</p>

<p>SAT I
Critical Reading = 651
Math = 795
Writing = 661
Composite = 2107
First time taking, will be taking again for sure.</p>

Biology - 793
Chemistry - 769
Mathematics - 784
Stating highest score here, forgot the rest.</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities and other stuff:
Vice president of Current affairs society
150hours of Volunteer work in the freshmen and the sophomore years.
75hours this year(junior year, i doubt i will have time for volunteer work in senior year though)</p>

<p>I think my grades are OK, but my extracurricular activities are really not impressive at ALL!</p>

<p>how do you get such SAT scores? so are you thinking of attending those unis straight after secondary sch?</p>

<p>1234d - she’s just finished J1, and she’ll be applying for universities for Fall 2010, after her A Levels at the end of this year. Took me a while to figure out as well.</p>

<p>Yeah - how’d you get such SAT scores?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t be worried about the academic side - if you haven’t had any problems with the transition to JC, you should have no problems come A Levels. You’ll be applying based on your prelim results and predicted grades though, so don’t slack off or anything. But you knew that.</p>

<p>Your ECs do look weak. Did you change CCA after moving from RGS to RJ (I assume that’s where you are now)? What was your CCA at RGS, and did you hold any leadership positions? Any competitions or SYF? All that goes in your application as well, not just your JC stuff.</p>

<p>150 hours of volunteer work is on the high side for Singapore (whether adcoms know that is another matter, but nvm). Since it’s essentially 75 hours a year over three years, I’ll assume it’s a long-term commitment to a particular organisation, which would actually be a fairly substantial line on your resume. What volunteer work is this?</p>

<p>The one that’s slightly less substantial is the vice-pres of Current Affairs Society. If you’ve contributed a great deal in your capacity as vice-pres, it would be good to get your teacher i/c to write a recommendation for you, because there’s no doubt you can “do the work” and it’s the other areas of your application that are lacking, as you’ve noted. It would also lend more weight to the EC - at my school, for instance, the teacher i/c of the Philosophy Society said outright that they don’t do anything and it’s just something that looks impressive on a Harvard app, and then asked if any of us wanted him to add our names to the club register - don’t shortchange yourself if it’s a genuine CCA and you’ve put a lot of work into it.</p>

<p>You still have a year, even though it’s going to be a very busy one. If you’re worried about your CCA record, ask your teachers for their assessment of your chances - they’ll be able to give you specific examples of seniors who were in the same situation and what they did to beef up their application. If you’ve got any areas that you’re interested in or are passionate about but that aren’t going to be reflected in your application at this rate, take the next step and do something with it. One (or more? not sure) of your seniors, for instance, teamed up with some students from TJ to start [url=<a href=“]RefugeeSEA[/url”>]RefugeeSEA[/url</a>] - just because it isn’t within the CCA framework of your school doesn’t mean you can’t do something like this and count it as an EC. You have options.</p>

<p>HOWEVER, try to do this - it’s going to be difficult, I realise - as a matter of personal fulfillment, not resume-padding. If you don’t already have the drive for this sort of thing, it will only make your A Level year miserable, and the lack of sincerity will still show through, so there’s no point.</p>

<p>[/fine line]</p>

<p>On another note - why aren’t your promo results out yet? Knowing how much groundwork you’ve done in J1 would help us (the Singaporeans, at least) assess how much time you can afford to spend on ECs this year. If you get something like DDES or whatever (which I doubt, by the looks of your academic record) you’re going to be spending a lot more time studying than if you’ve got AABB. Are you taking any H3s? Which teachers are you planning to ask for recommendations, and why?</p>

<p>Are you planning on applying to other schools, as well? You should know that with your record and with the resources at your disposal in terms of how much your teachers can help you, you’ll definitely get into a number of good universities.</p>

<p>Your competition is the other kids at your school and in your country. Each of those schools will only take a few from Singapore and the get many, many applications.</p>

<p>you look good, but ur SAT II’s are wrong lol, ive never seen anything not ending in 0?</p>

<p>erm to be very honest i think you are focusing on the wrong things right now. for example, what’s the point of taking sat2s as a jc1? i’d rather take it in jc2 since the alevel curriculum would cover much of sat2. same with aps
other than that cornell shouldn’t be out of your reach :D</p>



<p>This is true. The bulk of Singaporean applicants to US universities come from RJ and HC - if you want a clearer picture of your chances, look around you, look at the historical acceptance figures for RJC, and ask your teachers/seniors. Also look here: [RJC</a> Success Rates 2001-2003](<a href=“]RJC”></p>

<p>You still have a good chance, but your teachers should be able to give you a clearer and more honest assessment.</p>



<p>Yes I thought so too. But since she’s already done the tests, meh.</p>

<p>Each 5 on an AP gets you the same credit as a C on an A Level, and it’s unlikely you can get more than 32 advanced credits anyway. It’s not necessary to do them. It’ll help a little in showing you’re an independent learner, but really doesn’t add much to your application. It’s ECs you have to be looking at.</p>

<p>your ECs are extraordinarily thin - are there stuff you’ve not mentioned here? that said, cornell shouldn’t be a problem for you once you raise your SAT scores. dartmouth will be harder because 1) they don’t take many singaporeans 2) they’ll attract more applicants because they’re need-blind.</p>

<p>and yes your SATs are seriously weird. is this a ■■■■■?</p>

<p>How did you get such SAT scores? Are you really going to apply end of J1? You will need to prove yourself against much stronger competition from your seniors.</p>

<p>Can you please clear up the question of your SAT scores? A correct score will always be divisible by ten, and yours are not.</p>