<p>Algebra III-IV
Honors English
Honors World Studies
Musical Band
Economics/ Computer App's</p>
<p>Sophomore courses (hardest I could take)</p>
Honors English
Honors CWI
Advanced Wind Ensemble
Jazz Band (Zero hour period)</p>
<p>Junior (planning)</p>
<p>AP Calc
AP Physics
AP US History
Honors English
Wind Ensemble
Jazz Band (Zero hour period)</p>
<p>Varisty tennis since freshman year
*undefeated both years
Univeristy of Washington Medical Volunteer (4 hours per week)
FBLA (Secretary position)
DECA (qualified for state this year)
Honor Society
Chess Club
Key Club
Club Champion at my tennis club
Black Belt in Taekwondo</p>
<p>Summer Programs</p>
<p>Plannning on SUMac at Stanford or Oxford program</p>
<p>interesting things</p>
<p>Hard Worker
Can solve a rubik's cube in 40 sec.</p>
<p>Schools I am interested in:</p>
Cal Tech
UC Berkely
Dartmouth (the only Ivy)</p>
<p>Just the fact that you're a sophomore and thinking about colleges makes me think you're going to be OK.</p>
<p>I can't really chance you with any certainty though because I'm only a high schooler myself, and if I had any clue about how colleges choose students I wouldn't be on this thread.</p>
<p>My advice would be to make sure you're doing everything because you really have a passion to do it... not just so that it looks good for colleges.</p>
<p>I agree with ly2m.
You look like you're really on top of things, though. If you keep consistently with what you are truly passionate about in your EC's, you'll be fine.</p>
<p>Grade-wise, I can't really judge yet because it's only freshman and sophomore year - and those classes tend to be the easiet.</p>
<p>If you're normal try to have some fun, and hang out w/ friends..But if you're really really passionate try to improve your EC's for now. Your main EC's are tennis, and business. If you manage to get a minor award at state for DECA that'll be awesome, and really good..You should be enjoying life atm since you're not really busy atm. but again, if you're really interested in college, then work hard on toning your EC's since you'll be VERY busy when you're in AP courses + SAT. Try to get some sectional or state recognition and leadership in tennis + Leadership in other things. </p>