Chance for Merit Money Loyola MD?

Hi everyone!
I am a current junior at a private rigorus high school in suburban Pennsylvania. Loyola is my top school, but I am very worried about the cost of attendance, and was wondering what chance I have of getting merit money there. I was also wondering if merit money and need based aid stack there? All and any information is appreciated!

GPA: 4.197 (W) 3.9 (UW)
SAT: Currently around a 1370- hope to get it up to a 1450 with a few months of prep
Course Load: 3 APs this year, 3 APs next year, everything else honors (at my school 4 aps is the most anyone takes per year and they don’t sleep)
Extra curriculars: XC (4 years), Swimming (4 years- state champions), Track (2 years), Chorus (3 years, leadership position), Auditioned chamber choir (2 years, leadership position), Mock Trial (3 years, leadership position), Music Ministry (4 years, leadership), Model UN (4 years), Latin Club (4 years), Math League (3 years), Annenberg Science Symposium (2 years)
Honors Societies: NHS, Tri-M Music Honors, Math Honors, Latin Honors (possible leadership senior year)
Job Experience: Lifeguard (2 years) Starbucks Barista (1 year)
Volunteer Work: 5 hours per week at local hospital

I am also beginning my own medicine club at school next year for anyone interested in going into that field. I want to major in either chemistry or chemical engineering as a pre med with hopes of pursuing med school in my future. Please let me know your thoughts and if there are any other schools that would be matches for me that are worth looking in to! Thanks!

My son had a 3.7 uw and 32 ACT (super score). Similar number of AP, honors, extracurrIculars and volunteering. He received $24,000/yr in scholarships. I believe he had to maintain a 3.2 gpa and I think that was their max amount. We do not qualify for any need based aid.

@jcd716 - I istill cant PM due to being too new. Can you PM me, would love to know more?

@sammytv Just sent a message.