Chance for Pomona, Amherst, Stanford, Etc. - Will Chance Back

<p>This is my second chance thread. There have been some updates to the list so bear with me.</p>

<p>So I’m looking at applying to Ivy League and equivalent schools this year. My top choices are Pomona, Stanford, and Amherst. Duke, Swarthmore, Yale (I have a legacy here), Princeton, Tufts, Colgate, UW Madison, and WUSTL are other schools on my list.</p>

<p>My ultimate goal is to go to law school, so social studies and English courses have been a priority for me.</p>

<p>This year I will be taking AP English (one class, both exams) and AP Statistics, along with an Independent Study.</p>

-GPA: 3.8-39 (Unweighted), 4.5-4.6 (Weighted)
-SAT was a 2250 (CR 740, M 760, W 750 with an 11 Essay)
-ACT was a 31 (English 35, Reading 32, Math 29, Science 28, 11 Essay)
-PSAT was a 231 (80 on CR and W, 71 on M)
-SAT II US History was a 770
-So far I’ve taken 5 AP Classes (US History, US Gov, Econ Macro and Micro, Calc AB)
-Class Rank: Top Decile (my school got rid of class rank this year)</p>

-Founding member of Junior Statesmen of America (JSA)
-2 years as JSA Forum Moderator
-1 year as JSA Secretary
-2 years as Vice President of the Latin Club
-3 years as captain of my school’s Certamen Team (a Latin trivia game played at the state and national levels)
-Founder of a Certamen Club at my high school (writes and distributes trivia questions for practices, available to schools around the state)</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars
-I was selected as one of the 4 players at the Latin 2 level from our state to be on the certamen team representing Wisconsin at the national level (NJCL)
-I have lettered twice in swimming
-I organize the off season ultimate frisbee games for the swim team
-I am involved in NHS, particularly with the tutoring aspect
-I have tutored for three years at my elementary school
-I sent in my forms for the Bronze Medal for the Congressional Award (currently being processed)
-I was one of the 4 students from my school chosen for the school history team, which won first place in both the trivia category and the written test category
-I work as an instructor with my swim club and teach swim lessons to younger children
-I have been involved in various fundraising efforts (i.e. fundraising for relief efforts for the 2008 earthquake in China and for UNICEF)
-I was selected as one of 5 boys from my school to attend Badger Boys State where I was elected to the Supreme Court
-Wisconsin Ultimate Frisbee captain at the NJCL convention
-I was captain of the Advanced Certamen Team that placed 2nd at the NJCL Convention</p>

-My freshman and sophomore years I placed top 5 at state for Latin (WJCL) in three categories
-This year, I placed top 5 in 7 categories, winning the state Latin Essay Competition and taking second in two other categories (Mythology and Roman History)
-My certamen team placed 2nd at state
-I won a Silver Medal on the National Latin Exam twice and a Gold Medal on it once
-I won a Silver Medal on the National Medusa Mythology Exam
-I placed 8th at the NJCL convention for Latin Derivatives in Latin 2
-I won the Quill and Scroll award from the International Honorary Society for High School Journalists
-I placed 10th in Mythology and Greek Derivatives at the NJCL convention in Latin III
-I placed 6th in Roman History at the NJCL convention in Latin III
-I placed 5th in the Junior Boys Essay Competition at the NJCL convention
-I placed 1st in Roman Life at the NJCL Convention in Latin III (2nd place overall)
-I was a member of the 2nd place Advanced Certamen Team at the NJCL Convention</p>

<p>If you have taken the time to read this and evaluate me, I thank you very much. I will chance back.</p>

<p>I will be retaking the SAT I and ACT along with SAT IIs in Math II and Literature this fall.</p>

<p>Bump .</p>

<p>I think all the schools are pretty much matches (or safeties) for you except for Stanford, Princeton, and possibly Yale, which are reaches. Your ECs are really good but you probably need another SAT II b/c many top schools require 2 subject tests.</p>

<p>Yeah I got books for Lit and Math II and will be taking those come fall, thanks for the advice.</p>

<p>Bump .</p>

<p>i’m guessing you went to NJCL this year in Fargo? Wasn’t it the shizz!?</p>

<p>Yeah it was great, lot’s of fun. Especially when the tornado bears came out the first night.</p>

<p>Bump .</p>

<p>Yo man stop bumping…and you “organize the off season ultimate frisbee games for the swim team”…I want you at my college lol</p>

<p>bump the hot dog</p>

<p>Thanks guys I really appreciate the sarcasm.</p>

<p>As to the off season frisbee that should have been clarified by me - its a frisbee team that I’m one of the senior leaders for.</p>