Chance for UPenn ED CAS and Chicago EA (will chance back)

<p>UPenn - Reach
UChicago - Match</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks for the chance!
UPenn ED - match
Chicago EA high match
NYU - in
Stern ?
William - high match
UVA - pretty tough out of state but youre in the running
Emory in.</p>

<p>UPenn-pretty good
Chi-really good chance

<p>UPenn - Low Reach
Chicago - High Match
NYU - Low Match
UVA - Match
Williams - Unfamiliar
Emory - Match</p>

<p>You’re a decent better anywhere, and the ED + not Wharton makes Penn more than manageable for someone with your credentials. The earlier concerns of the lack of focus in ECs is unfounded IMO considering the music focus. The ECs aren’t overwhelming, but they in no way deter from your application. As long as the essays and recs aren’t damning I’d say you have a pretty good shot. Thanks for the chance by the way, getting some opinions on American for honors is definatley relieving at least some tension.</p>

<p>don’t submit that french ap…they’ll assume its a 2</p>

<p>Nice job on All State Orchestra!</p>

<p>Williams-low reach
Chicago-mid reach (my friend is freaking out over it and she’s definitely well-qualified as well)</p>

<p>I don’t know as much about the others. The whole district ranking idea is interesting; it’ll probably help you out.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>your in for sure…great stats</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>hey im not 100% sure but they look like high match/reach…</p>

<p>Can u pls chance me?..I will put my stats here coz i don’t knw how to do the link (im new) </p>

<p>IGCSE(Grade 10) (A<em>, A, B - U this is the order)
Math: A
Physics: A
First Language English: A
Business Studies: A
English lit: B
ICT (COmputers): B
Media Studies: A</em> </p>

<p>IB First Year:
Math HL: 6
Eco HL: 7
Business HL: 6
Physics SL: 7
French AB: 6
English A1: 6
SAT: 1820 (550 Reading, 690 Math, 580 Writing…IT IS BAD)…However took and december and hoping for 1900+…still bad but i am an international student and have only done SAT for 2 months :(…)
My Ec’s are really good like 4 years captain of cricket and football team. MUN, volunteered for Dubai International Film Festival, Volunteered for Marathon, Prefect for 4 years. My most unique which i will talk abt im my essyas are Mt. Everest base camp trek, 5600 meters. </p>

<p>I am applying to UChicago, Umich, UVA as my top scools…btw i live in dubai…</p>

<p>got into upenn and uchicago
luckiest person in the world</p>

<p>Kunslax: i think you’re ib scores are great and you have great grades. you already mentioned the fact that your sat scores are on the low side but if you can get them i think you’re okay considering that us schools do understand that low cr scores are okay considering your international background</p>

<p>U Penn CAS Chances ED Please</p>

SATII: US History 680 Bio: waiting
Public School
Rank: 1
Psychology Major
Visited UPenn
No Legacy Hooks
Really Good Essays</p>

<p>Various Extra activities</p>

<p>NHS President
Math League Pres
Sci Olym:Pres-won award at competition
Spanish Club: pres
Quiz Bowl: Captain
Spanish Group: Pres
Historical Society: pres
Youth Group: Leader</p>

<p>lots of community service
youth court
research in lab

<p>What do you think my chances are as an ED applicant?</p>