<p>Ok, I really! would like to go to Cornell's and pursue a degree in ILR however, my stats from HS suck..and I only have a semester and a bit under my belt in college. Regardless, I've opted to give it a shot and somehow hope there is a slight chance (haha right...). Are my actions of trying pointless or is there somehow a small chance of getting into such an exceptional school? </p>
<p>My stats are as follows:
HS GPA: UW83% no AP's/9honors -- rank puts me in the bottom 70%ile of the class
HS EC's: football/sports/volunteer work
SAT's (M+V) 1350
College GPA from first semester: 4.0
Midterm GPA this semester: 4.0 (cornell requires midterm grade reports and I recieved all A's on mine)
College ec's: (not many) Intramural sports & 1 club
College: just your average state school</p>