Chance... kinda

<p>Not really a chance, just a question.</p>

<p>I didnt really take any ap classes until this year (senior year). But this year i took a lot of ap, including stats, calc, gov, psychology and spanish, and a college level english (advanced composition).
But, with the exception of calc, i'm still getting all a's. Around 3.8 GPA, unweighted.
And ive always taken all honors, just not AP...</p>

<p>I still have good-ish SAT scores (around 2100 i think?, couldve been better), but no SAT IIs. </p>

<p>I also have tons of volunteering (hundreds of hours) and leadership positions.
I was captain and MVP every year i played on varsity tennis (9,10,12)
Ive also gotten a lot of honors and things like that every year.</p>

<p>I have great recs all from department heads at my school, and i feel like my essay was pretty impressive... i hope.</p>

<p>So basically, do i still have a chance, or did i wait too long AP wise for them to even consider me? Any input appreciated!</p>

<p>i don’t think the ap’s will be that big of a problem. My school is a small liberal arts private school that doesnt offer ap’s and i got accepted ED. I just made it up in other ways (a 100+ list of classical books I’ve read all college level at least like plato or nietzsche). I’m not saying you need to have that, but they definetly consider people who havent had tons of ap’s.</p>