<p>Not really a chance, just a question.</p>
<p>I didnt really take any ap classes until this year (senior year). But this year i took a lot of ap, including stats, calc, gov, psychology and spanish, and a college level english (advanced composition).
But, with the exception of calc, i'm still getting all a's. Around 3.8 GPA, unweighted.
And ive always taken all honors, just not AP...</p>
<p>I still have good-ish SAT scores (around 2100 i think?, couldve been better), but no SAT IIs. </p>
<p>I also have tons of volunteering (hundreds of hours) and leadership positions.
I was captain and MVP every year i played on varsity tennis (9,10,12)
Ive also gotten a lot of honors and things like that every year.</p>
<p>I have great recs all from department heads at my school, and i feel like my essay was pretty impressive... i hope.</p>
<p>So basically, do i still have a chance, or did i wait too long AP wise for them to even consider me? Any input appreciated!</p>