Chance/Match me! ADHD student applying as Prelaw [NJ resident, 3.0 GPA, 1550 SAT]

Demographics : Asian Male, NE USA

  • US domestic (US citizen or permanent resident) or international student: Citizen
  • State/Location of residency: (state is important if you apply to any state universities): New Jersey
  • Type of high school (current college for transfers): Public, top 50
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity (optional): Male, Indian
  • Other special factors (first generation to college, legacy, athlete, etc.): ADHD, grades went up after treatment

Intended Major(s) Economics/Philosophy(Pre-Law)

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.0
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 3.2
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 1550, 800 ERW, 750 Math

3 APS, mostly accelerated/academic courses, 2 honors courses

Awards 2x StellarXplorers Semifinalist 2021-2022

Intern to the Judge of my City(will receive rec)
Intern to top10 law firm in NJ(will recieve rec)
StellarXplorers captain/member
CAP Cadet 2018-2022
I’m a very good essay writer, and I will recieve counselling for them too. I hope to write a supplemental about how being diagnosed and recieving treatment for ADHD helped my grades and skills.
I will be recieving a positive rec from my Physics teacher, as well as the judge and attorney I work for.

Cost Constraints / Budget

(List of colleges by your initial chance estimate; designate if applying ED/EA/RD; if a scholarship is necessary for affordability, indicate that you are aiming for a scholarship and use the scholarship chance to estimate it into the appropriate group below)

  • Safety (certain admission and affordability) Rutgers, NJIT, Seton Hall
  • Likely (would be possible, but very unlikely or surprising, for it not to admit or be affordable) Syracuse EA, Penn State EA, OSU EA
  • Match: Dickinson EA
  • Reach: NYU ED

Like I’ve mentioned, I have severe ADHD that was only medically treated by the end of my sophomore year. I have always tested very highly, but my GPA was brought down heavily by those two years, as well as a stint during my junior year where there was a medication shortage. I am really not sure where I stand as a supersplitter, so a chance/match would be appreciated heavily.

You might try an application to a school such as Trinity (CT).


Rutgers is not a safety.

Your likelies are all rejections.

Dickinson unlikely. NYU know.

Find schools that will take you. A WVU vs Penn State. Some of the SUNYs. A URI, Maine, etc.

Arizona, Arizona State, Miss State, Alabama are other type schools that could work.

Good luck.

I live in jersey, and my highschool has not had a rutgers rejection in years. Is there any chance I can get into nyu ED, or is it a waste of an ED?

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Congratulations on your academic turnaround after your ADHD diagnosis and getting the medication dosage right.

Generally, schools that ask for letters of recommendation ask for one from a STEM teacher, which you have, and one from a humanities/social studies teacher. Your outside letters of recommendation may be able to be submitted as supplemental submissions, depending on the college.

I would suggest that your guidance counselor write about this instead of using your own essay space to include this information.

As people have different meanings for some words (particularly “match”), I tend to use my own terminology, along with the chances of admission that go along with them. These are my guesses as to your chances of admission.

Extremely Likely (80-99+%)

  • Seton Hall

Likely (60-79%)

  • NJIT (leaning towards a toss-up)

Toss-Up (40-59%)

  • Ohio State
  • Penn State (likely acceptance, but unsure about whether you would get the University Park campus for the first two years)
  • Syracuse

Lower Probability (20-39%)

  • Rutgers (but paging @DadOfJerseyGirl who would have a more well-informed opinion on the NJ schools)

Low Probability (less than 20%)

  • Dickinson
  • NYU

Just saw this. I think it would be extremely unlikely for you to receive an acceptance to NYU.

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I don’t see a chance but I’ll say this.

You can’t get in if you don’t try.

You wouldn’t get into GW either - but if you like NYU, it’ll be easier.

Try VCU for uber urban.

Your test score nor your situation impact the fact that you have a 3.0 - and there’s plenty of colleges that will take you with the 3.0 - especially as a full pay student.

But you have to open your mind to them.

thank you for the effort! would you be able to suggest a few schools that I would be competitive for? ideally, i do want to go to a more brand-name school, but obviously beggars aren’t choosers.

sorry, what’s GW? george washington u?

ASU will be much cheaper than Arizona, because ASU gives merit for SAT scores. Arizona merit is purely based on UW GPA, so although you should get admitted, it will be pretty expensive.

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yes - it’s uber urban too

yes - but cost not a concern for OP

@rohdawg, would you say you’re in the top quarter of your class? If yes, I would put Rutgers New Brunswick into the toss-up category based on your strong SAT score and your school’s history. I’d move NJIT down into toss up as well as it’s become a harder admit the last couple of years. I think Rutgers Newark is more likely.

I also wouldn’t bother with NYU.

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i would definitely say top 50%, but I can’t conclusively say 25%. Do you think the school’s recent addition to commonapp will affect anything?

thank you! I should clarify – I am not too concerned with campus. I grew up in NYC, so I would have liked to stay near that area, but honestly as long as it is a good pre-law school, i’d go anywhere.


Most four year colleges are fine for pre-law purposes. Getting into a law school with high ranking and good law job prospects for graduates is mostly about getting a high college GPA and high LSAT score.


I didn’t know Rutgers was new to commonapp - but commonapp brings a lot more apps.

The other thing and this is all schools and it’s opinion. With the supreme court ruling on affirmative action, I think it makes schools harder to get into, not easier like some thing. #s will rise.

Any college in America is good for pre-law - which is not a major. It’s advising but you don’t even need it.

You need a good LSAT score after colllege.

Look at Harvard - it’s class is represented by 174 schools - from Fairleigh Dickinson to Cal State Northridge to U of Arkansas and Wyoming.

So your good test taking will really help you for law. Where you go undergrad and what you major in - of little matter.

thanks for the answer. i am aware that major isn’t necessary, but i would like to go to a school that maintains good rapport with law schools.

My friend - you are way overthinking - there’s lots of colleges and lots of law schools and too many lawyers.

But you’re in a good position because of your test taking.

But you have to deliver in the classroom first.

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thank you so much for the thought-out answer. What I mean by pre-law is majors that translate well to the field(econ, phil. polisci, legal studies, etc). I’m sorry for being unclear.

you’re probably right. I suppose part of it is trying to get into as brand-name of a school as i can.

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