Chance Me Architecture Cal Poly Slo

GPA: 4.13
Ap Scores: 3 on Ap physics 1, 3 on ap English language, 4 on AP art
SAT: 1320
Senior year: Ap Spanish, ap physics 2, ap gov, ap lit, ap calculus
First generation
Met the CSU a-g requirements, (23 years) From California

Things that matter at CP: CSU calculated GPA 9-11, SAT/ACT, Rigor, EC hours, living in the service area (SLO county, and SB county north of Gaviota), one or both parents who did not finish high school, attending a Hayden Partner School.

Things that don’t: anything else, including subject test scores, AP scores, specifics about ECs or first generation.

If you haven’t calculated your MCA, I’ll link it below. Then go to the Final Status thread in this forum and search for MCAs for accepted Archy students.

Good luck.

So my MCA is around 4400 but I haven’t seen a lot of info about other mcas for architecture students who were accepted. What do you think my chances are with that MCA

I was only able to find two posted MCAs, 4670 and 4835. That doesn’t mean a 4400 didn’t get in. We just don’t have evidence of it. The problem with tracking final status, is that it takes a long time for rejected students to find out. They don’t tend to post the MCAs that didn’t get in. In any case, have safe options and good luck!

I’m also applying for Architecture and my MCA is around there. I know for a fact that an MCA of 4,500+ is competitive, as I’ve kept in touch with multiple people who’ve gotten in for the same program.

You have a decent chance. Chin up!