Chance me as an international student for PEA?

Hi! I’m an international student in 10th grade from India applying to 11th grade to PEA (it’s my dream school!!)
Here are my stats and ECs-

  1. Founder of a MUN summit with 90+ volunteers and 350+ participants, donated profit to charity and led a mental health campaign.
  2. Started a MUN initiative in school as well where I mentored 9th graders + chaired committees like UNCSW.
  3. Part of my school’s literati society and SUPW club.
  4. I participate in a sport but it’s very rare and not available at PEA though I excel at that sport.
  5. second year Kathak student (I’ve got the highest marks in my batch for all examinations and choreograph dances regularly).
  6. I love reading and writing! Have read a lot of rare books from around the world which I talked about in my interview + written for various social issues, personal narratives as well as fictional stories, and written for 2 poetry anthologies.
  7. I love teaching! I have created my course in Sociology (which was only available to my friends but I wanted to release it online to help others so I mentioned that I’ll be editing and recording it again and releasing it around mid-February (already have 2 videos recorded so they’ll be up soon once I edit them.) I also have a website where I create resources such as question banks and sample papers for my friends related to our curriculum.
  8. 190+ hours of volunteering. Was the head of content writing and editing at a youth organization. Interned/Interning at Unwind, Global Shapers Hub, chemistrytalk{.}org
  9. As for studies, I did mention in my application that I am struggling with properly managing my ECs and academics together since my curriculum prioritizes academics which is very time-consuming so I did end up with a B in a subject due to this but in my recent report card that I sent it was changed to an A2. My other grades didn’t suffer much fluctuation and were either A1 or A2 (but these are not my official grades since the official examination would be held this month so these are just the results of mock examinations.)
  10. I have also attended various conferences and summer schools at reputed Indian universities+ and got early acceptance into another summer school with a full scholarship.
  11. Working as an advisor at Uniqa (only 20-30 people from high school and university were accepted.)
  12. Applied for financial aid.
  13. The interview was fun, I loved the person I was talking to and I felt they were pretty eager to know about my unique interests and viewpoints also were very encouraging and supportive.
  14. Participated in a competition where my team and I worked on a water-poverty-related issue and it inspired me to create another organization which is still in its early phases but I’ll provide some more details and what we’ve accomplished there to the admissions team around mid-February.

My questions-

  1. Why do people prefer applying to 10th over 11th?
  2. In regards to the events I attended and my interview I feel I’d be a great fit for their community but do you have any suggestions as to how I can express this continued interest and enthusiasm?
    Thank you for your help! Have a great day :slight_smile:

Forgot to mention but my superscore on the ISEE was 8!

From what I’ve read on here, it is because there are many fewer spaces available in 11th grade as opposed to 10th. Also, many of those spots seem to be reserved for athletes or other students recruited for extracurriculars.

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oh, I see. I do excel at a sport but Exeter doesn’t offer it and it won’t be possible for them either. Do you think that’s bound to hurt my application?
Thank you for responding by the way! I appreciate it :slight_smile:

I really couldn’t say. To enter as an 11th grader, you need to have something they feel will be a real asset to their community and that isn’t already there. All you can do is wait and see!

Entering a top academic school as an 11th grader is often detrimental grade wise. Every child I know who has done this has ended up disappointed with college acceptances. Kids enter in 10th grade because it gives them a year to get used to grading in more rigorous schools before the most important/hardest year.


truly depends on the school - i didnt want my 11th grader to be dropped into a PA/PEA/D and have no honeymoon period. She did get into 4 schools as a junior (non repeat and actually on the young end of the class) and based on her grades so far - she has no issues excelling in AP level and other competitive classes.

College matriculations from PA/PE/D also involve a lot of athlete recruitment and other variables that you cannot see or control that will take precedence over academic performance (legacy, donor $$, institutional priorities etc)

Also depends on how rigorous the school you are leaving was and how the grading is handled (did the school have lots of extra credit ? retakes? had too many tests etc?
Looking at my jr today - i wonder how she would have done at PA/PE/D but i dont think the stress of that situation would have been worth it


Apply as a repeat 10th. My school doesn’t accept new juniors unless they’re athletic recruits, and given how few new juniors Exeter takes in, I’d hazard to say the same is true there. 10th grade, on the other hand, is a huge entry point (at my school, 1/3 of the graduating class), so you’ll have an actually reasonable shot.


Thank you for your response! It is helpful :slight_smile: Have a great day!

I see- My school’s curriculum isn’t tough tbh but It is very time-consuming. I have attended a few college classes too though but none were long-term. Nevertheless, I appreciate your viewpoint and personally, I feel I’ll be getting a better experience by repeating 10th as well :slight_smile:
Thank you for your help and time!!! I hope you have a great day :slight_smile:

Thank you for replying!!! I appreciate your help. I hope you have a great day :slight_smile:

Have you applied to schools other than PEA? While you have a shot I would not say your chances are strong enough to make it your only application if you care about going to boarding school in the US.

Especially when you say your current school is not particularly rigorous I’d question if PEA is even the right school for you. You have an interesting resume - consider looking into other schools that might be a better academic fit and appreciate all the ec’s you’re passionate about.

Unfortunately, while people are telling you to perhaps reclass as a repeat 10th grader to up your chances or apply to other schools for options, the majority of deadlines has already passed. You could consider schools with a rolling admission if you are even looking for something less rigorous than PEA and looking to open more options as an 11th grader. But if PEA is the end all be all for you, then you’ve done what you can.

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Hi! Thank you for replying - could I pm you?

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