Chance Me: Asian (Indian) Male from Pennsylvania - Top 3%, 4.0/1520, with hopes in Business

Yes, I actually visited GTech this past summer and loved the campus as well as Atlanta. As mentioned above, I have an interest in a stem background and I think GTech would be a good blend of technology and business as offered by the scheller’s business school.

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Scheller undergrad is T20 program if you look at US News. Poets and Quants too. They’ve upped their game the past 10 years.


Take a look at their ISyE program. S20 transferred from Scheller to IE. Obviously more math intensive but great program. That said, their business tech offerings are top notch. No bad choices. Good luck

If you liked Atlanta put Emory on the list.


One more thing to consider is your AP/DE credits. You probably would have 2nd year or better standing at GT (and a few other schools). That makes study abroad, internships and co-op much easier. Plus you would save a year’s tuition if you choose.

S20 will probably graduate in 6 semesters but has done an internship and a co-op. He’ll graduate with his class but basically has a year of work experience. Great experience.


Sure, but its still a far ways away from what Emory businesses is so I was curious.

Another PA resident and I wholeheartedly agree with everything except for applying to Penn State when the portal opens.

PSU is tricky: they offer both rolling and EA (apply by November 1). If you hurry up and apply when the portal opens, you are not guaranteed a response earlier than if applying EA by November 1.

Said another way, EA at Penn State guarantees the earliest answer (Dec 24, but could come earlier) and there is no advantage applying to it earlier in the cycle. These dates/details are here:


You have impressive credentials. Kudos to you.

Some random thoughts and questions to help you develop your school list…

What business concentration interests you? In what geographic region do you want to land? In what industry do you want to work? Answers to these questions will drive your list.

My nephew went to the undergraduate business program at Penn State and loved it. While admission was straight into the B school, assignment to the student’s desired concentration was competitive. The dean was very clear to the incoming freshman that everyone wants finance, but there were only so many slots and the top students got them. Out of PSU he landed a great finance job in Pittsburgh then earned his MBA from CMU.

My wife went to IU for her MBA and had a great experience.

CMU is DIII, but their teams are pretty strong for the division. The emphasis there will be on books not soccer. CMU is tops in MIS, so if interested in that field apply, even if it is a reach. Unfortunately, CMU does not send out acceptances until very late in the spring.

Pitt has honors programs for all its majors, but you need to submit a separate application. You will be a very strong candidate, so go for it. There is a financial award, but I am not sure how much. More importantly, you get first dibs registering for classes and better access to professors and research. In fact, I encourage a strong student like you to apply to honors programs at all the schools on your list where it is offered.

Apply EA everywhere you can. EA is the new regular admission, and generally has higher acceptance rates. You get the added bonus of getting the college search done earlier so you can enjoy your spring semester.

Depending on your desired concentration you may want to consider UIUC. They are strong in MIS, Production, Finance and Accounting. If you are interested in landing in the Chicago area, there is a strong alumni network. For you, it would split the difference between a likely and safety.


Thank you! Your advice means a lot. I do find finance to be my most interesting concentration, however, if slots for finance are more selective, I am leaning toward management or MIS. I would definitely like to end up on the west coast or new york, but currently, until I pursue MBA, the Midwest to the east coast will work for me. I can look into UIUC for finance.

Thanks for the advice on EA and honors programs. And congrats to your wife and son on their MBAs.

Then study finance.

You already have IU in the bag.

You don’t need to settle for another major anywhere.


Sounds good. That’s what I would plan to do. I just need to make sure that my parents would be okay with the value of the out-of-state fees at IU compared to another major at PSU due to being in-state.

You will get some money from IU.

You need that chat with your folks b4 you build a list. And then you need Pitt, Temple and maybe aggressive OOS schools like WVU, Alabama, Arizona where you can match or beat PSU cost if they say no more than PSU money. I assume you can study finance at PSU. .

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Unless is has changed from last year, there is no guaranteed financial award given to students accepted into Pitt’s honors program. You could be accepted into honors program w/o merit $ or receive a merit award and not be accepted into the honors program.


You can also take Honors classes without being in the Honors program at Pitt


Do you think it would be more worth to apply NYU ED1 than UPenn ED1? Considering I’d have a higher chance of getting in at NYU in ED 1 than ED 2.

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If interested in MIS, definitely apply to CMU, IU, UIUC and GA Tech. You may also want to look at UMN-Twin Cities, which would be a safety-likely for you.

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I based my statement on our tour guide who was in the honors program and received merit aid. She gave the impression that her aid came with acceptance into the honors program.

You can’t decide anything til you get a budget.

If your parents may not pay for IU OOS, they sure as heck aren’t going to pay for NYU, which unless you want to be on Wall Street, is arguably no better. And will cost way more than an OOS public.

You don’t talk about ED til you know either have demonstrated need or your family is willing to pay near $400k for an education - that you can get for half the price and even far less at very good schools.

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I already asked them overall, and they said if it is a top tier program they are okay with it. I just said the IU to PSU comparison as I thought they would be pretty close in similarity and in-state in that case may be better because one advantage would be less fees.

IU is NYU. There’s really no difference except maybe Wall Street and Iu Places plenty on Wall Street.

One is # 5, the other 8. They are indistinguishable.

Do your parents know how much an NYU or Wharton will cost ?

Huh? NYU and IU are extremely different in a number of ways. Rural vs. very urban, Big10 sports vs. low key D3 sports, Public flagship vs. private, Midwest Indiana vs. East Coast, etc, etc. Definitely not indistinguishable and/or interchangeable.