Chance Me: Asian Male (Valedictorian) from Alabama with high hopes in MechE [3.98, 33, $25-30k]

To hit $30k - it’s and I’d have to look but I’m unable to do so now - but I’m thinking the Iowa State, Arizona, Kansas State, Kansas, U of SC, FSU, Miss State, SUNY, Maine, Rhode Island, Nebraska, Tennessee Tech, Kentucky, UCF etc maybe Missouri types. But those are the kind of names to look at - yea they are substitutional to your in state options which are very good btw but because most kids see their instates as inferior, you do too. But they’re not. Otherwise do you think 18k kids would choose it from other states including more than 1k from CA, IL, and TX?


SUNY ESF is in Syracuse and has a partnership with Syracuse University. I would research what that partnership entails, and I would look at the majors and minors and determine if they are of interest to you. There is a computer info and technology minor and I wonder if you could expand on that somehow (I am not familiar with CS majors). It looks like you can take classes at SU to supplement ESF.

For the school year that just passed, total cost of attendance for OOS was about $37,000 a year. There is a scholarship for OOS students for “up to” $8000 per year.

SUNY might not have the “prestige” that you are looking for, but lots of kids have attended and moved on to successful careers.


That, my friend, you can say about just about any college. Too many kids miss that.

There are no golden tickets to career success except what you personally bring.

OP has Auburn on his list. Hello Tim Cook but also but the current Governor, co founder of Wikipedia, astronauts and countless others.

Bama - the CEO of Lockheed, the writer of Forest Gump, the founder of Habitat for Humanity, and gazillion of other leaders.

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My DH was military and I am pretty sure he told me the CEO of Lockheed Martin is an AF academy grad. And then Princeton.


OP- my daughter was valedictorian. The year she graduated she was invited to a dinner for the vals and sals attending HS in 3 states. She came home with a brochure telling the names of the students and the schools they were attending. To my surprise, most of the schools were either the student’s instate public or a “regular” OOS public. There were not many heading to “prestigious” schools.

Seeing that was very eye opening for me.


And if anyone really cares where CEO’s attended (Uwisconsin seems to top the list) Where Did Fortune 500 CEOs Go To College Infographic


Sorry. Looks like the previous. Didn’t realize she’s retired. Like every school has their few alums they always mention - she is one. My bad on timing. They (LM)are heavily involved with the school as they likely are at many schools.

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Honestly , the point is that CEOs can have attended any of a variety of schools. Don’t see how it’s relevant to this thread.


It started with this comment which I simply noted can be attributed to most any school. And gave examples. That’s all.

It’s relevant in that all these kids, including OP, believe they could ‘do better’ than their state flagship etc.


100%, and we shouldn’t shame, browbeat and label as entitled kids that aspire to apply to elite schools at the expense of their local state school as long as they have safety and match options that are financially viable.

Absolutely nothing wrong with OP shooting high and or viewing his state school as a non academic party school that he doesn’t want to attend.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with shooting high as long as students recognize that if those schools are not affordable, they cannot go. That’s not easy, especially if there is pressure to attend a top school, or if students feel that their hard work did not pay off because they are attending a “lesser” college. An academic acceptance with a financial rejection is difficult (right now it is unclear whether this family will get enough FA, and it is none of my business).

There is nothing wrong with not wanting to attend your state school. That is why I post about other schools that appear to be likely admits and that seem affordable.

There is often a lot of attention given to valedictorians, and the expectations and pressure can be incredibly stressful. The reality of college costs adds to this stress.

OP shoot as high as you want, but make sure you have 2-3 affordable safeties.

Congrats on your achievements!


Op. I was just thinking about LACs. Any interest ?

Hendrix has a flagship match program. Others may too or just be able to get to cost via merit. A Kalamazoo is aggressive. Others may know more that get to $30k

That word again Flagship - that means if Hendrix included you, they’d match U Alabama tuition - which appears to be $11900 so you could be high 20s with room and board.

They have CS and some business themed majors.

Ogelthorpe has a similar program and business major but only CS minor.

Others may know of other LACs who do similar if that were an interest.

Keep these in your back pocket if interested for when you determine your need. If you find out you have no need or minimal need, these may work within your $30k budget.

Remember I said to set up an email just for college. Any names people have thrown to you that you deem as - worth a further look - get on their email list. Let them sell you on what they have to offer.


Have you looked at the OOS scholarships at Ohio State? You might be able to get the cost down to $35,000.


I believe I’ve mentioned this one before…University of New Mexico is worth looking at.

You might also want to check Utah and Montana, both likely would come in at a decent price point with merit aid.

Check Embry Riddle as suggested upstream.


I have been planning to look into that. Will most likely do it today. What is the scholarship called?

If you look at the scholarship list you will see one for OOS students that could be combined with a few others (it states which ones).

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JMU is about 43,000 a year for OOS students for the upcoming school year. There are merit scholarships available for OOS students.

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I was looking into Cal-Poly-Slo and they seem like a great school for me. Anyone know stuff about the school already? Looking for any info.

Great school for engineering but you will be full pay there.

Paging @eyemgh