Chance Me: Asian Male (Valedictorian) from Alabama with high hopes in MechE [3.98, 33, $25-30k]

But pay is not 80k like UCs right?

Also I see that they automatically apply you for a scholarship as soon as you submit your application. However, it does not disclose how much money it is.

I looking at their common dataset and it is very weird compared to other colleges. The only thing the consider is GPA and Course rigor everything else is not important including essays and recommendations. Does that mean that they do not have supplementals?

Not sure if this was mentioned up thread, but GT and UMD give a small number of full ride scholarships to exceptional students. These are very competitive but I think you have a good chance, especially at UMD since you’re from an underrepresented state.


The COA is $53K for non residents (Cal Poly is still a CA public). I don’t believe they give scholarships to out of state applicants but I may be wrong. @Gumbymom - Do you know?


Doesn’t UMD have rolling decisions? Any tips on that. Should I apply asap?

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Not rolling. You definitely should apply EA by Nov 1st else it’ll be a reach (and you won’t get merit money).


Do they not have supplements? I don’t see them on common app.

Also I cannot find Cal Poly Slo on the common app do they have a separate application as well?

They are on Common App. Maybe they haven’t published their fall 2024 essay questions yet.

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I believe all the CSU schools have their own application: How to Apply | Cal Poly

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says that they are rolling along with Penn State which I am also looking at.

Cal Poly SLO is a great school, and employers tend to really like the students who graduate from there. However, I don’t think it is going to meet your price point.

If you and your parents decide that SLO is affordable, then the application is super easy – no essays, no Letters, etc. (They have their own app – they don’t use the Common App).

There are two more polytechnic campuses among the Cal State campuses, both of which would be an easier admit than SLO: Cal Poly Pomona and the newest polytechnic campus – Cal Poly Humboldt. But they will be the same (or very nearly the same) cost as SLO. But if you decide to apply to SLO, it’s very easy to apply to additional Cal States if they seem like a good fit both academically and financially.

But SLO is the best known amongst the three and probably the strongest academically.


This list is not accurate. You need to go to each school’s admission webpage.


Cal Poly SLO is on the Cal State Application. They do offer a few scholarships such as a $3K scholarship for National Merit scholars but most scholarships are similar in the amounts.

Cal Poly SLO is unique in comparison to the rest of the CSU’s. They consider 9-11th grades in their GPA calculation with an 8 semester Honors point cap, no essays but do ask for hours/week for your EC’s (no elaboration or listing of the type of EC’s), any major related jobs or leadership. Admission is mainly stats based and test blind. CS admit rate is around 9% so a Reach school.

SLO is a small coastal town which many individuals consider isolated. If you are considering SLO as an option, I would look in into airport accessibility and can be expensive to live off campus Junior/Senior year.


Look at Hobart and William Smith. They have a bunch of scholarships available that would meet your cost, including (but not limited to) full tuition. They also have your major and a guaranteed internship plus stipend.


So, what major are you going to apply to @An_D? Or are you planning to apply undecided? That’s an option at some schools but not all.

If you apply to UMD, do so early action. They accept about 75% of their incoming class in the early round. Plus I think you need to apply EA for that scholarship consideration.

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Yes that’s what I said above. And it’s 94% (fall 2022 stats).



Here is a reverse-engineered version of an older CPSLO admission formula (MCA formula). The current one is different, but probably considers the same criteria other than SAT/ACT scores (California publics no longer use SAT/ACT scores). Other CSUs use different formulas.

The GPA is the weighted-capped version that can be calculated here, except that CPSLO uses grades from 9th-11th instead of 10th-11th.

CPSLO does not public historical admission thresholds for each major.

CPSLO also has an unusual lookback policy when a current student wants to change major. Basically, one of the criteria to change major is that the student would have been admitted to that major had they initially applied to it.

CPSLO shares its application with 22 other CSUs.