Chance me at University of Wisconsin-Madison

<p>Can anyone please chance me on this great school. I know it may be reaches, and I know I have made a lot of Chance Me threads, but i want to know where to apply. Thanks</p>

Public High School
African American- Parents born in Ethiopia
UW GPA- 3.3
W GPA- 3-7
2 C's sophomore year in honors class, had some trouble but a huge upward trend!
SAT: Math-720 CR-700 Writing-680
Overall- 2100
APs: Biology-4 Economics-5
Taking AP Stat and AP Psych and AP Modern Euro
Honors: Geometry, Algebra 2, Chemistry</p>

Lacrosse 9-10
Volleyball 11-12
-Went to Ethiopia both Junior and Senior year to work with an orphanage, and also created a blog. Wrote a great essay on my trip, and have a great recommendation.
-Stock Market Club 9-12
-treasurer 11th grade
- VP Senior year
-Model UN
-Secretary Junior and Senior year
-Over 75 hours working with the Boys and Girls Club
-Club CERT- Certifies you to help with emergencies in your area such as earthquakes tornados etc
-Treasurer of the Senior Class</p>

<p>Thanks Again</p>

<p>You have a fair chance. I’m not saying you <em>will</em> make it in but you have a solid chance. Apply for it. You have everything necessary but the only concern may by your GPA.
But still, it’s fairly likely that you’ll make it in.
Should you apply or not? YES, YES, AND YES!
Anyway, good luck.</p>

<p>Nice dude,Apply, good luck making it in</p>

<p>thanks for the responses</p>