chance me because i love brown

<p>Chance me please. I am applying to PLME so it would be great if I could get chanced into the program and the regular school.
Brown is by far my number one choice and probably the only private school I want to go to.</p>

<p>School Type: Public with about 2000 students
Ethnicity: Korean-American
Bilingual in Korean/English
Citizenship: USA
Gender: Male
ACT: 33 (33 English, 33 Reading, 33 Math, 31 Science, 31 English/Writing Composite)
SAT II: Biology-M (710), Math II (750), US History (710), Korean (800)
Unweighted GPA: 3.83; Weighted GPA: 4.34
Rank: School does not rank
Senior Year Course Load: ROP Emergency Medical Technician (I will hopefully certify nationally in Feb 2009 so I can start working in the field), Chamber Orchestra, AP English Lit/Comp, AP Calc BC, AP Gov/MicroEcon, Spanish 4H, Wrestling, Physics (H, school does not offer any higher level of physics)</p>

<p>Awards/Honors: AP Scholar award, Performed at Carnegie Hall with orchestra and we are doing so again next year, School's Academic Honor Rolls, Varsity Scholar Athlete Awards for wrestling (nominated for county scholar athlete :), we'll see how that goes), finalist for Boys' State, Won an essay contest for the Korean-Catholic Youth in Southern CA.
Extracurriculars: Orchestra (4 Years); Varsity Wrestling (4 Years, Captain Senior Year); Link Crew (2 Years); Mock Trial (2 Years); EMT
Volunteer/Community service: Mental Health Hospital (20 Hours); Guitarist for Church Choir (300 Hours); Guitar Instructor; Church Youth Council VP
Summer Activities: Summer Camp Counselor/Guitarist/Music Coordinator for Church (3 Years); US Air Force Academy Summer Seminar (2008)</p>

<p>Essays: Wrote about the impact of wrestling on my character. For PLME I wrote about my EMT classes and the required emergency room internships and ambulance ride-alongs and I spoke about helping resuscitate a woman in a coma and then doing simple vital skills on incoming patients into the ER and the patients I helped transfer during the ambulance ride. For the Brown Supplement regarding a book that impacted me, I wrote about Walden. I also wrote about my visit to the school and encounter with a PLME student in "what first sparked" my interest in Brown. I did a lot of research on the school and I believe it reflects through my essays.</p>

<p>Teacher Recommendations: English 3H and AP Bio teachers. I believe they will be good.
Counselor Rec: Good</p>

<p>Thank You Everyone</p>

<p>An essay on the impact of wrestling on your character? Interesting… could turn out either really bad or really good, probably the latter :slight_smile: I think your stats and ECs look great, and I guess, for all intents and purposes, welcome to Brown :o</p>

<p>awards’s look wonderful, EC’s as well, academics are acceptable if not very good. </p>

<p>I say - very, very big chances.</p>

<p>I’d agree with enthusiast, although PLME will be tough. I’d say you’re at least in Brown. Hopefully, I’ll see you there cuz I love brown too!</p>

<p>thanks everyone.</p>

<p>i think you’ll get in. </p>

<p>chance back?
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