Chance me: Cambridge HSPS

APs are “easy” exams (from a UK perspective). 9 5s and a 4 is OK, 5 5s and 5 lower grades is not, even though the theoretical requirement is just the 5 5s.

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Got it, thank you. By the time I leave school I should have 9 5s and a 4, HOPEfully.
Also, I’ve asked all my teachers about predicting grades and one of them straight up said “no, I will not predict any grade for you, either good or bad”. What should I do in that scenario?

You have to have a prediction. So the (single) reference must come from someone who will give that. And the prediction had better be all 5s.

Note the format is extremely different from the US format. It will take your teacher a lot of time to do properly. So pick carefully and warn them now because the deadline is early in the fall.

I think so because while the sciences are not required or even officially recommended for applicants, some of the applicants will have taken Biology A level and got A or A*; and really, any sign of academic weakness is a problem for Cambridge. That’s not to say it’s a definite no: but a problem. The rest of your application will need to be stellar.

You’re likely to be on track for your other selected courses. Good luck writing a PS to work for all of them.

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Hi, update:
I got my interview invite from Cam recently! I’m really excited and would love it if anyone had any sort of advice. My school has been thoroughly unhelpful throughout this entire process and I just want to know what to expect (things that aren’t online).


Have you read a bunch of the books on here?

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I’ve read a lot of books in the topic area and talked about them in my personal statement… should I read books specifically off the list too?

I would compare what you’ve read to this list and see if there are any major gaps in what you’ve already covered.

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Congratulations and good luck!

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