chance me....chance me....chance me

I'm from South Korea but go to school here - my mom lives in the states but I guess I'll still be "international" as I don't have a citizenship </p>

<p>school: I go to a very prestigious private school where it's very hard to earn As, it has an average SAT of 2040, and in most of my classes B minus is the average grade...our counselors claim they tell colleges how hard it is to get grades here but idk.</p>

<p>rank: school doesn't rank..class of 85-90 people. last year about 10 went to ivies and 10 more to other top 25 univs/liberal arts </p>

<p>GPA (unweighted):
freshman: 3.3
sophomore: 3.4
junior: 3.7 (weighted - 4.1)
senior: 3.9 (weighted - 4.3)
total: 3.6 (weighted - 3.8) </p>

800 CR / 750 M / 780 W - 2330 (got this on my first try...if that matters) </p>

US History: 780
Math 2C: 720
English Lit: 790
French: 700</p>

Theater: was involved in an advanced level theater course called Theater 3 Company which is a 14-member group that creates an original production
also directed a play with Asian students group in 11th grade,
will direct another one this spring, this time open auditions for entire school
directed two 10-minute plays as part of an annual theater festival at school, will direct another one this spring
& also was involved in acting & costumes for several other shows</p>

<p>School newspaper's editor for 2 years
Writer for another school newspaper, which covers foreign affairs, for 2 years
started fashion magazine at school, editor for 2 years </p>

<p>started human rights group at school, head for 3 years
went to Thailand & India summer after frosh year and did 72 hrs of community service
also did community service in Korea teaching underpreviledged children for two summers, I'm not sure how many hours, but probably 50-70</p>

<p>Co-Head of Diversity at school junior year
Senior Class President this year </p>

<p>Essays: Great (probably)
Recs: Great (hopefully...) </p>

<p>chance me for:</p>

Northwestern - Medill School of Journalism<br>
U. Chicago
Boston College
Boston University
George Washington U</p>

<p>THANK YOU!</p>

<p>SAT’s are great, grades aren’t amazing but the upward trend and weighted helps, decent EC’s, class president helps, prestigious school helps…good chances at all i think…maybe apply to some more ivies just to see what happens? write good essays and i think you’re golden…OH idk about being international that could hurt for some schools</p>

<p>Thank you so much northface !! </p>

<p>Also, forgot to mention, I’m not applying for financial aid…no legacy…and I’m the head of Women’s Organization at school && also active in the Asian Students group. Don’t know if this will matter…but yup</p>

<p>Sat is too low! You are 70 points away from a perfect score! Much too low!</p>