Chance Me: Cornell (CALS), Emory, NYU, Columbia

Unweighted; 4.0 (rank 6/311)
Weighted; 4.1 (rank 7/311)

Freshman Year: English 9, Spanish 9, Earth Science, Common Core Geometry, Phys. Ed, World History 9, Introduction to Programming/Web Design, Art.

Sophomore Year: Music in Our Lives, English 10, Spanish 10, Chemistry (Regents Level), Common Core Algebra 2, Phys. Ed, Health, AP World History (the only AP offered for our grade at that time)

Jr. Year Classes: IB Biology 11 HL, IB English 11 HL, AP Calculus AB, AP Chemistry, US History, Phys. Ed.

Sr. Year Classes: IB Biology 12 HL, IB English 12 HL, AP Statistics, IB Physics SL, Eco/govt, Phys. Ed.

In an 8-period school day, the IB sciences are “1.5” periods long (one day the lecture is 2 periods long, while the next only occupies 1 period) and AP Chemistry was 2 periods long each day. By law I had to consent to revoking my lunch period in order to be full IB and my parents refused to allow that :frowning:


White- Middle Eastern descent.
First generation student going into college.
Family makes below $55k/yr for a household of 5

Regents Test Scores:

Middle School-
Living Environment (Biology): 93
Algebra 1: 93

Geometry: 98
Earth Science: 98

Trigonometry: 100
Chemistry: 100
World History: 100
Spanish: 88

English: 99
US History: 99

SAT/ACT Scores:


2 composite scores; 30 and a 32.
Writing: 12/12


First attempt: 1350/1600, 660 in English and 690 in math
Second: 1430/1600, 660 in English and 770 in Math

Subject tests:

Math II: 740
Chemistry: 780
World History: 720

AP Scores:

World History: 5
Chemistry: 5
Calculus AB: 5

Volunteer Work:

-Volunteered at a hospital for 100 hours during my summer between junior and senior year

-I have been a tutor since freshman year, accumulating 326 hours precisely based on my records:

Freshman year: Geometry
Sophomore year: Trigonometry, Regular Chemistry, and all of the above.
Junior Year: Calculus, IB Biology, AP chemistry, and all of the above.
Senior Year: IB Physics and all of the above.

Work Experience:

Molecular Biology Research, Sarah Lawrence College — Researcher
A week long lab training program that taught skills including the growth of cell cultures, transfection, pipetting, and performing Western Blots.

Extracurricular Activities:

Chemistry Olympiad— Competitor and coach for participants

Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Club — President

Science Olympiad — B Team Captain

NYC Brain Bee hosted by Columbia University — Active Competitor

Health Professions Recruitment and Exposure Program (HPREP) - Certificate of Achievement

This 8-week competitive program hosted by the Sophie Davis Program of Biomedical Education at the
CUNY School of Medicine provides participants the opportunity to practice interviewing patients,
listen to a medical school level lecture on osteogenesis imperfecta, and examine cadavers and human
organs in their gross anatomy lab.

Mathletes Team- Active Competitor

Mathematics team affiliated in competitions including the AMC, NYS Mathematical League, and the
Moody Mathematical Challenge.

College Applicant Self-Empowerment Club- Secretary

A club dedicated to teaching and mentoring underclassmen in all things academic, whether that be
standardized testing or core curriculum-wise.

Model United Nations (UN) - Representative of Jordan


Scholastic Excellence: Yonkers Public Schools Recognition- Club 90

Mu Alpha Theta: Math Honor Society

National Society of High School Scholars

AP Scholars Award

Science National Honor Society

Saint Michael’s College Book Award for
Academic Achievement with a Social


Writing Poetry

Pursuing a major in Neuroscience, intending to complete a joint program for my medical degree and PHD in Neuroscience or Immunology to become an academic neurosurgeon; one who practices surgery as well as conducts research, ideally for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Languages Spoken:

English- Fluent
Spanish- Conversational
Arabic- Conversational

Recommendation Letters (I have not read them mind you so this is solely based on my relationships with my professors):

AP Chemistry Teacher- 9/10
AP Calculus/AP Statistics Teacher: 10/10

Thanks in advance. I know there is little I can do at this point of the year, but being able to see where I stand, although based on the subjectivity of anonymous opinions, would give me a bit more peace at mind. Have a wonderful day :slight_smile: