Chance me:Cornell ED-Arts and Sciences

<p>Applying to Cornell early and what too see what other CCers think about my chances!</p>

<p>School Type: Public
Location: California
Race/Gender: White Female
Prospective Major: History
Weighted GPA: 4.32 (school doesn't report unweighted)
Class rank: Top 5% of out 370</p>

<p>SAT I Scores: 2190 (superscored)
SAT I Math: 700
SAT I Critical Reading: 740
SAT I Writing: 750</p>

<p>SAT II Scores
US History: 720
Literture: 620 (won't submit)
taking the Math and hoping for 700+</p>

<p>AP Scores: Euro History (4), US History (5), Spanish (3), AP Comp (4) taking five more as a senior </p>

Frosh: Honor Geometry, English 1, Spanish 2, Intergrated Science 1, World Cultures and Geography, Ceramics 1, Leadership (student goverment)</p>

<p>Soph: Honors Alegbra 2, English 2, Honors Spanish 4 (yes, I skipped Spanish 3), AP Euro History, Nonfiction(prereq. for school paper), Intergrated Science 2
Long-form Info</p>

<p>Junior Year: Precalc, AP Lang. and Comp., AP US History, AP Spanish, Advanced Journalism,
At local community college: Chemistry 1st semseter and Psychology 2nd Semseter</p>

<p>Senior Year: AP Calc AB, AP Biology, AP Economics (micro and macro), AP Lang. and Lit.
Advancded Journalism </p>

<p>Extracurricular Info
*Varsity Diving, Freshman and Sophomore Year
*Level 7 gymnast Freshman Year
*Level 6 Trampoline, Soph Year
*Member of Student Goverment, All year
*ASB President, Senior Year
*Student Board Trustee, Senior Year
*School Newspaper, Reporter Junior Year, Opinion Editor Senior Year</p>

<p>Community Service
* Teen Philantrophy Board(raised $55,00+ a year), member Soph Year, Leadership Council Junior and Senior Year
*Summarize audio tapes from Holocaust Survivors, Senior Year</p>

<p>Work Experience
*Gymnastics Coach, all four years
Summer Experience:</p>

<p>Rising Soph: Spanish Immersion + Community Service in Costa Rica nad Nicaragua (3 weeks)
Rising Junior: Spanish Immersion/College Class in Spanish in Granada, Spain (1 month)
Rising Senior: Stanford Summer Humanities Instiute (3 weeks)</p>

*Grand Prize County Science Fair, Soph Year
*National Merit Commended Scholar
* Level 6 Trampoline Double Mini Norcal Champion </p>

Legacy + sibling who is currently attending
Cousin is a professor in Human Ecology, will be writing me a letter </p>

<p>Chance Me!</p>

<p>Cornell ED: Decent chances</p>

<p>Low reach.</p>

<p>Low reach. You sound similar to me in terms of numbers, accomplishments, and even the college in Cornell you’re applying to, etc…I wish you luck at CAS! </p>

<p>Chance back? (pretty please? We’re sorta alike in numbers, and I’m wondering what your thoughts might be on my chances)</p>


<p>PS: I have no idea wth is “Trampoline Double Mini Norcal Champion” but I like it, sounds badass. Hope cornell admissions thinks you’re a cool enough person to room with! (that’s how they determine “fit” for a school btw)</p>

<p>@Type RA, the double mini is an event in trampoline, its like a narrow trampoline that you run up to and do skills off of. I got first out of like five people, but don’t tell Cornell that…</p>

<p>Good chances</p>

<p>Get another SAT II into the 700s and your numbers will be golden. Pretty much a low reach then. One thing though, do you have any more EC’s that show your interest in History majoring? Because those certainly stand out on apps. That was a very helpful piece of advice for my app cuz I plan on being a chem major. </p>

<p>I am pretty much in the same boat with you for CAS! I have legacy, a cousin attending, and our numbers are very similar! Chance back plz?</p>