<p>chance me for Cornell University Earlier Decision
I am an incoming senior with a non weighted GPA of 3.88 and a weighted GPa of 4.42. I have a 2020 on my SAT.</p>
<p>I have taken 2 AP classes (AP Spanish language and AP US history)
I plan on taking AP Spanish Lit, AP English Lit, AP Government, AP Calc. A/b, and AP Environmental Science.</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars include:</p>
<p>2 years of a city elected position on Childs Needs Task Force (20 hours)
3 years tresurer of Red Cross Club
3 years participant of Save Darfur Club
4 year of MUN
4 years of beach cleanups (10+ hours)
Created tutoring program for disadvantaged students (10+hours)
Assisteens 1 year
Studied in Spain (certificate of Completion (50+hours)</p>