Junior from Florida, currently doing an exchange year in Germany
Unweighted GPA: 3.97
Weighted GPA: 4.72
SAT Score: 1950 (re-taking 2 more times when I’m back in the U.S. this summer, current diagnostics predict me at a 2060)
Planning on taking the ACT plus two SAT Subject Tests (probably German and Math 1)
Top 1% of my class (13 out of 761)
Freshman and Sophomore Year course load:
AP World History, 4 AICE classes (AICE is a program from the university of Cambridge, considered harder than honors but not as difficult as AP’s), 7 honors classes, and yearbook
My junior year information is still up in the air, I am still waiting on my guidance counselor in the U.S. to tell me how my German credits will transfer and how they will be weighted. Here in Germany, I go to a Waldorf School, which is an alternative type of school with big focus on hands-on education and stuff such as art, music, and crafts (for example I take a class in shoe-making and have just finished classes in painting and sculpting).
Senior course load:
AP European History
AP Biology
AP Calculus AB
AP Micro/Macro Economics and Government
AP English Literature
Yearbook (with an editor position)
Chemistry and Physics at the local community college
2 years of yearbook, one year as the Student Life Editor
2 years of varsity Swimming
National Honor Society member
Spanish Honor Society member
Lifeguard at a regional water park
100+ volunteer hours
Chorus here in Germany
Working on starting a Women’s Empowerment Club next year with focus on fundraising to relevant charities
My exchange year:
I was selected as one of 250 finalists for the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange, which is a merit-based State Department program that sends American high schoolers to spend a year in Germany living with a host family and German high schoolers to live in America. The program is funded equally by the U.S. Congress and the German Bundestag (Parliament) and as participants, we are expected to be youth ambassadors to our country, which includes doing an Ambassador Project to share our culture with our new community, and meeting both our Congress Representatives and our Bundestag Representatives. I am also one of four official bloggers for my program, in charge of documenting my year in order to advertise it to potential applicants and their parents.
Did a land-survey and map-making internship while here in Germany
Participated in a bilingual Economics Camp while in Germany
Volunteer every summer at a pre-school for children with Disabilities
Participate in several yearbook and journalism workshops at home every year
Fluent in English, Portuguese, Spanish, and German
Brazilian-American, first generation American and first generation college student, unorthodox learning path, passionate about writing, learning languages, and using communication in order to connect with people and build more relationships, and hope to pursue a career in international relations in order to combine those passions into a career that will make an impact on our global community.
Financial Status:
My parents make $39k a year combined, and my brother is heading to college this fall
Please chance me at the following schools:
- Brown
- Duke
- Princeton
- University of Florida
- Tulane
- UNC Chapel Hill
- Wellesley
- Barnard
- University of Miami
- University of Southern California
Thanks a ton!!!