Chance me Engineering?

<p>I'm a Junior, and I want to know if I am on the right track. I want to hopefully apply Early Decision. Thanks!!</p>

<p>State: NC</p>

<p>Gender: Female, (will this help me with my chances??)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8 UW, 4.5 W</p>

<p>ACT: 35 Math, 30 English</p>

<p>Course load: As challenging as my school offers. (I will graduate with 8 maths, currently in AP Calculus and 6 sciences)</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: Cross Country, Track and Field, Science Club, Science Olympiad, North Carolina State Mathematics Contest, FOR Club, Key Club, School and church choir, Handbell Ensemble, Praise Band (Singer), Youth Group.</p>

<p>Volunteer Hours: Tutoring with my church, plenty of other hours with church (Operation Christmas Child, etc)</p>

<p>Also, I placed decently high in the competitions I participated in.</p>

<p>Am I on the right track??? I want stern and truthful answers. Thanks a million!!!</p>

<p>You are doing great. You have a great chance ED.</p>

<p>GPA, Course Rigor, and Math ACT are all there. Plus, being a female interested in Engineering is a diversity plus. I’d say you’re a match, and you ought to apply to some of the top 10 too (Michigan, U of I, Purdue. I’d even shoot for a reach at the tops (Stanford, MIT, Cal Tech. The key, of course, is to apply, and, by the way, you’ve still got time to try to improve on the standardized tests. You don’t mention your composite, but that is used at these other institutions. Good luck!</p>

<p>My math and english are my best scores (thank goodness for that) and thanks for your opinions!!! I’m just really hard on myself. @booboo96 @Balthezar</p>

<p>I’d be extremely surprised if you didn’t get in to VT engineering. That said I’ve been surprised before, so it would be a very good idea to find a couple more schools at the same general level that you could see yourself attending and apply to them as well.</p>

<p>Idk, I guess I’m just scared. I really want to get in ED but I fear I’m just not good enough… I don’t want to be deferred and have to wait until March, and if I could I would apply now so I wouldn’t have to wait. I hear that top notch students apply ED and get deferred and what worries me is that I have made a few “B”'s so far in HS because I transferred high schools mid semester, which ended up settting me WAY far behind. Thanks for your input! Does anybody have any further tips for me?</p>

<p>@wchristen89‌ I’ve been stalking the VT threads for quite some time and you seem to have made quite a contribution with your posts. I am an international HS senior that got into and will attend the college of engineering.</p>

<p>I think that early decision would be the right way to go since you would like to be done with your college application process early and regard Virginia tech to be a dream school (I’m forcing my memory on a few things when recalling some of your other posts). Maybe you might want to consider places like Georgia Tech, Carnegie Mellon, UIUC, and others. They might be better academically, but from what I hear the workload is one of the worst in the nation and the campuses don’t even reach the standard of VT.</p>

<p>When filling the application you are given multiple short answer prompts and can answer up to three of them. One of them allows for an explanation as to why you might have had bad grades. You should most certainly chose that and talk about how changing schools affected your grade and (once again forcing my memory) certain personal/family problems you faced which could have affected your performance.</p>

<p>When looking at your stats I feel miserable. I have a 2.89 and have only taken 3 AP courses. Euro in my junior year in which I got a C or a B- and Physics C and Calc AB in my Senior year. Barely any ECs aside from assisting the NHS with some things here and there and basketball. I believe that the thing that got me an edge were my essay prompts and my SAT Is and IIs, 740 in math, 590 in CR, 750 in Math II, 720 in Physics and Math I. I wrote about how my circumstances affected my performance drastically. I also have an outstanding achievement award in Physics and precalc despite having had a B in both semesters (maybe I had an A- in precalc for the first semester) and numerous perfect attendance awards. A friend of mine applied as well but didn’t get in engineering, he got into his second choice which was math. His GPA was significantly higher and I thought he would get in.</p>

<p>Your ECs and voluntary work is great, I think that being a girl gives you an extra edge since they arent that common in engineering, and your scores are great. But I would recommend that you take the SAT IIs to go along with your ACT scores. Take Math II and Physics, and a third one of maybe chem, english or even math I. Make sure to take relevant courses in your senior year, physics and calc are the most important, chem can give you an advantage. If AP or honours is available for these courses make sure to take them. Make sure not to slack off in your senior year, and answer three answer prompts on the application. Best of luck to you when you apply. Also, I put Physics as my second choice, maybe you could do that just in case you don’t get in engineering and could try changing majors in university during second or third semester. If i can be of any further assistance you can send me an IM.</p>