Chance me engineering?

Im an asian male in NOVA area, I’m applying ED.

I have a 3.78 weighted GPA (i know it’s really low for engineering) Chem destroyed me haha

2100 SAT 800 math, 650 in writing and english

Junior year: AP physics C, AB calc, Honor biology, AP lang, AP US, Research and gourmet foods. (I’m a food enthusiast (one of the reasons im doing ED to VT :P))

Senior year: AP chem, AP psych, BC calc, Research, Dual Enrollment, AP ES (took history over summer)

My research didn’t have anything to do with engineering it was a biology project (one of the reasons im looking into engineering now rather than bio)

I plan on taking CS at VT, havent taken any in HS because of schedule conflicts :l. im takin CS courses online doe, although they won’t appear on transcript.

I’m doing an out of school sport, part of engineering club, key club and Model UN. I got well over 300 volunteer hours for volunteering.

If you look at the Fairfax county high school scattergrams for VT generally, at least at our HS, SAT’s are really not a factor. Everybody above a weighted 3.9 gets in. 3.6 to 3.7 gets sporty, and people below 3.5 are pretty much out. There are some random outliers, but the data is pretty compelling. Not sure how much higher the hurdle is for Engineering, but it will be somewhat. Check your school’s scattergram carefully. They seem to have things pretty highly tuned to the standards of the high school.