chance me for a cookie?


<p>Chance Me?
ACT: 32
Sat II : Math2c: 740 Bio:710 US History: 790
Unweighted GPA : 3.843 Weighted (5 scale): 5.42
AP's: Bio 5, Comp Sci 5, Chem 5, US History 5, EU History 4
Course Load: most rigorous, always filled schedule with only honors and aps, taking all the available aps right now
Ranking: Top 10 percent (the only ranking my school has)</p>

I started my own DJ enterprise, legitamite business, have done barmitzvahs, fundraisers, sweet sixteens everything, have two hired people under me</p>

<p>Model UN 10 and 11 grade</p>

<p>Boxing since 11 Grade</p>

<p>Student Government for all of highschool, currently president of my school</p>

<p>last summer did immersion program in spain to learn language, culture, and an optional leadership program</p>

<p>Work Experience:
Self Employed
Worked at my parents company every summer for a month, 40 hours a week doing sales and interning with accounting</p>

Rensselaer Medal: for outstanding achievement in math and science
a few honor roll awards and awards for outstanding work</p>

<p>I am American born, but a full Israeli family, i speak hebrew at home, am trilingual (italian, hebrew, english)</p>

<p>Oy're on a Vandy thread, asking about Emory Scholar app and there is no early action at Emory; only early decision....maybe Notre Dame is a better choice....</p>

<p>my bad, Im trying to sort out all my favorite colleges by what would fit me
so copy and paste for was a little screwed
and theres early action at emory through the emory scholorship or goizetta business school scholarship application form</p>

please help out</p>