Chance me for Bentley University?

I may end up lacking some detail, but I will do my best to fill you in on where I stand, currently. I am stressed to the max and advice or insight will help me greatly!

I am a male, Maine resident, 22 years old. I just graduated from an accredited community college with an Associate of Arts degree.

I live on my own and money is tight for me, therefore, I only applied to one school and was accepted (this school is the University of Southern Maine). I am set to attend there this fall; entering with 62 credits. I major in Finance and want to enter into I-Banking once I graduate. However, I am coming to terms that my current UG school is going to make that very, very difficult.

I will try to break this down as easily as possible for you guys:

Unweighted (?) GPA: 3.742

High School Hockey Team (4-year varsity)
Junior Hockey Team in MA (post grad, 11-12)
Junior Hockey Team in MN (post grad, 12-13)
Honors Project/Independent Study (saving/investing for young adults)

Server, 1.5 years (30-40 hours per week)
Bellman, .5 years (30-40 hours per week)
NOTE: I have worked many other jobs, but those are the most recent. I do live on my own and support myself financially, which does include housing, food, and tuition.

Volunteer/Community Service
50+ hours of hockey coaching for my school and youth programs
Agape Fosters (fostered kittens to help the overpopulation problem in my local animal shelter)

Common Awards: Honor Roll, 4x Dean’s List
Hockey Awards: 2x All-State, 2x Team MVP, Senior All-Star, Honorable Mention Player of the Year, Team Maine representative, 3 school records

I realize my “EC’s” are crap and I’m not trying to brag about hockey by any means, but that is about all I have. It was my passion, still is, and I played year 'round. Currently, I work just about full-time to support myself while in school. I don’t know if that can help me or excuse my lack of extra curricular’s, but I rarely seem to have any time.

I plan on taking 15 credits this fall semester and really buckling down to submit hopefully straight A’s at USM, along with my other transcripts, when I apply for transfer.

Can someone chance me, or help me? Are any of these schools a possibility?