Chance Me for BSMD's (suggestions welcome)

This is my reaction too. Without implying anything about the OP, seems a bit manufactured. And I cannot believe that someone without a license is being allowed to take vitals.


There’s no thread for the Pitt student. He graduated with my son. I’ve known him since Tball. He’s an exceptional student. He turned down Penn for a free ride at Pitt, honors and GAP Medical.

Even if you don’t get GAP, Pitt is solid for premed. Especially if you get into Honors. Tons of medical research opportunities on campus.

I think Penn State has a few BSMD students. Search the Schreyer Honors site.

If you haven’t shadowed I would make that a priority.

If you’re NMF I would look at schools that offer big scholarships. Most schools can prepare you for med school. Then try for a few BSMD acceptances. Good luck.

First off, only a slim majority of “premeds” out of high school actually go to medical school. They find other passions. This makes a BSMD program generally a bad idea, no matter how enticing it seems right now. Chances are, you’ll choose a different major. Find a good college that is a good fit for you. You really don’t want to be tied down to a scholarship that chains you to a specific major. That’s a fast track to misery. Keep an open mind about what you study.

Also, rankings are great for selling magazine subscriptions, but they’re otherwise useless. Just find an affordable school that works for you that gives you flexibility to explore majors.

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