Chance me for BYU Mizzu University of Denver and USF I will chance back so plea

<p>-___- so lets start with I'm the common slacker who regrets it all now :( but i am gonna run my stats and hopefully you guys can give me some good colleges I could try to apply to I would be so grateful. GPA uw: 2.8 :( GPA w: 4.0 sat: 1790 act:27 i am gonna retake both hopefully do better and top 40%. CR+M is 1250. I am first generation and Haitian with a single mom. I have been getting letters from colleges but I doubt they mean anything so any suggestions would be appreciated and I live in Florida so I qualify for bright futures.</p>

<p>BYU: Reach (are you a LDS?)
UMO: Safety (albeit a bit expensive for a safety, unless you win one of the diversity scholarships)
U Denver: High match
USF: Match</p>

<p>What’s LDS and this is good cause I really wanna go to UMO OR UD</p>

<p>LDS (in BYU’s context): Latter-Day Saint</p>

<p>Your GPA, ACT, and SAT ARE lower, but these schools are not that fantastic either. I put them at high matches for you.</p>

<p>Take what I say with a grain of salt though, I am only 16 and a rising senior.</p>

<p>By the way, could you chance me back? I would really appreciate it! ^_^</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Um. i say apply to USF and then transfer! My cousin went to USF and then sophmore year decided to become a doctor and tried really hard and he actually went to USF for two extra yeras so 6 years total to raise his GPA studied his butt of for the MCATS and then got into UMiami’s med school which is unbelievable. True story. You can do anything. So going to USF (which is your best chance) will be a good move!</p>


<p>Bump bump!!!</p>

<p>Bump bump bump!!!</p>