Chance me for Cal Poly CS

Hey yall
I know that CS is super hard to get in to but I thought I might as well shoot my shot and get some advice from all of you guys.

MCA: 4911

CSU GPA: 3.93

SAT: 1470

Math: 12 semesters
English: 8
Science: 8
Language: 4
Art: 2

Paid work a week: 18 hr (Not Major Related, unless math tutoring would be considered related)

Extracurriculars: 21 hr+ (I hold a leadership position)

One parent did not graduate High School

Thanks everybody
-A hopeful student

You are a competitive applicant but with an approx. 5.6% acceptance rate, it is impossible to chance any applicant.

Best of luck and apply widely.

Thanks so much for the response! It’s crazy how selective SLO’s CS program is.