<p>Male, White
Public HS in MA
GPA: 88.5/100 unweighted (not sure about weighted), upward trend
SAT: 620/800/650 (CR/M/W) (Jr Year)
600/700/660 (CR/M/W) (Sr Year)
SAT II: Biology 550 (Fr)
US History 750 (Jr)
Chemistry 720 (Jr)
Math II 680 (Jr)
AP's: Chemistry 5 (Jr),US History 4 (Jr); this May: Physics B (C isn't offered), Calculus AB (BC isn't offered), European History</p>
<p>Extracurricular Activities:
Boy Scouts of America <a href="6%20years,%203hr/wk,%2042wks/yr">Life Scout almost Eagle</a>
Order of the Arrow <a href="3%20years,%201+%20hr/month,%2012%20months/yr">Brotherhood</a>*
Student Council (4 Years, Secretary, Award Winner) (2.5hr/wk, 35wk/yr)
National Honor Society (2 Years, 2+hr/month, 10 months/year)
Church Youth Group (3 Years, 2hr/wk, 32wk/yr)
Invisible Children Schools-for-Schools (1 Year, 1+hr/wk, 40wks/yr)
French Club (2 Years)
Latin Club (1 Year)</p>
<p>*time dependent on service projects and other organization obligations</p>
High School Football (4 Years: 1 Freshman, 1 JV/Varsity, 2 Varsity) (Letter Winner)
High School Indoor Track and Field (3 Years: 1 JV, 2 Varsity) (Letter Winner)
High School Outdoor Track and Field (3 Years: 1 JV, 2 Varsity) (Letter Winner)
Babe Ruth Baseball (5 Years)</p>
<p>Scholastic Awards:
National Latin Exam Maxima Cum Laude Silver Medal (2006)
National French Exam Certificat dhonneur (2006)
National French Exam Certificat de Réussite (2007)
High Honors (1x)
Honor Roll (8x)
Perfect Attendance (5x)</p>
<p>Community Service:
100+ Hours
Mentor/Chaperone dances
Clean up, clear trails at local parks and schools
Repaint church
Project Bread: Walk for Hunger
Fundraising for Invisible Children
Helped at school for reaccreditation</p>
<p>Paid Work:
Lifeguard, 10th-12th, Water Safety Instructor, 30hrs/wk, 12wk/yr
Snowboarding Instructor, 10th-12th, 14hr/wk, 15wks/yr
Little League Umpire, 7th-12th, 8hr/wk, 10wks/yr</p>
<p>i applied EA, should have pretty good rec's and essays
chance me for Chemical Engineering?</p>