<p>Wondering if I have a chance at getting into the Culinary Institute of America...</p>
35 ACT
uw gpa: 3.9 </p>
<p>9 Total APs (5 sr year)</p>
Ap World 5</p>
Apush 5
AP Lang 5
AP Chem 3</p>
<p>Senoir year im taking
AP Psych
AP Gov
AP Lit
AP Calc AB
AP Spanish</p>
<p>I have 6 mos work exp at a local fine-dining restaurant as a cook
Also on math team, mu alpha theta, national honor society, 100 hours of com. service</p>
<p>Can I get into the CIA?</p>
<p>You know, CIA is a wonderful culinary school, but the thing is you are not aiming high enough. I suggest Cornell’s Hospitality Management school, you can apply there as a reach. I say no worries for CIA, but you have other options. Good luck :)</p>
<p>To be honest, I would peg the general level of “expertise” and advice that you will get within the chances forum for these specialty programs and the performance/creative disciplines as minimal at best.</p>
<p>Here’s the link to CIA admission requirements [Admissions</a> Requirements-The Culinary Institute of America](<a href=“http://www.ciachef.edu/admissions/apply/requirements.asp?source=AdmH&segment=TRequire]Admissions”>http://www.ciachef.edu/admissions/apply/requirements.asp?source=AdmH&segment=TRequire). Do you meet (or can meet) the parameters as listed?</p>
<p>There are some past threads in [College</a> Search & Selection - College Confidential](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/]College”>College Search & Selection - College Confidential Forums) and I believe here [College</a> Admissions - College Confidential](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/]College”>Applying to College - College Confidential Forums) as well dealing with CIA, Johnson & Wales, Cornell’s H&M program and others. Try searching and if you can’t find them let me know and I’ll give it a shot.</p>
<p>You might also try reposting in the parent’s forum [Parents</a> Forum - College Confidential](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parents-forum/]Parents”>Parents Forum - College Confidential Forums). You may well encounter some with professional experiences in the industry. nightchef immediately comes to mind, but there are others as well.</p>