Chance me for Cornell, Washu (ED), Vanderbilt, Georgia Tech

I’m currently a high school senior with hopes of getting into a high tier school (I’ve already applied to a few fallback schools) I plan on applying to either the school of liberal arts and sciences or the school of business at these schools. I’m from St. Louis so I have a bit of a local connection with Washu

GPA: 3.62 UW, 4.24W
Rank: Top 5% (go to one of the top high schools in the area)
ACT: 33 Composite, 36 Superscore (35E, 36M, 35R, 36S) although I did take the october test and expect that I did well
SAT: 1550 (800M, 750 EBR+W (40 EBR, 35 W)) Also taking Math II, Chemistry, and Physics subject tests in dec.
Applying for FA: Yes
Race: White
AP: Taken 8 classes and 9 exams, taking 4 more classes and 8 more exams this year, So far scores have been AP Physics I-4, AP World History-5, AP Lit-3, APUSH-4, AP Chem-5, AP Physics II-5, AP Gov-5, AP Comparitive Gov-5, AP Calc AB-5
EC: (This is where I’m Lacking) Robotics 11, Model UN 12, Philosophy club 12, Worked 30 hr/wk at Panda Express 11,12
Community Service: Cadet teaching AP physics II senior year
Essays: Haven’t written any yet but have generally strong writing skills (AP lit test was a bad day)
Awards: National AP Scholar 2015-2016, AP Scholar with Distinction 2015-2016, Most improved student 2014-2015
Recs: Strong rec from physics teacher of 3 years, Decent recs from counselor and AP lit teacher

Keeping in mind that Washu and Vanderbilt superscore the ACT, where do my chances stand of getting into each of these schools. If you have any suggestions as to other schools to apply to, a suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for looking over in advance!


bump v2

Your GPA is low for all of these schools - that alone puts these into reach categories. However, your rank is pretty good and your SAT is good as well. I think, in general, you’re competitive for all these schools and ED will help you a lot at WashU.

I agree w/ poster above. Shine in your essays that’s where you show the intangibles, the things that will definitely get you in. Good luck

Chance me back???

How many tests is your super score across?

Vanderbilt only superscores the SAT, not the ACT

Are you NM semifinalist? Does your school nominate you for Danforth?

I’m not NM semifinalist, and it’s superscored through 2 tests, also forgot to mention that im 1/8th native american so I’m putting that on my app

Even though you have a lot of rigor and good test scores, your unweighted GPA may be a downside. Your chances for Cornell are probably very slim, and the other schools will also be difficult. They’re all very difficult to get into no matter who you are. Do you officiallyhave a Native American card?

unfortunately I don’t have a card as I just found out recently