Chance me for CS programs at most UCs, extremely low GPA

Hey guys I was wondering what would be my chances for CS or math program at all UCs except Merced

Weighted GPA: 3.66 (HORRIBLE)
Unweighted GPA: 3.24

SAT (new): WR: 620 Math: 760
SAT II: 780 math level 2 (so disappointed I did not get 800)
ACT: C: 31 E: 30 W: 31 S: 29 M: 35

Additional notes~

-Got mostly Cs in all my math classes… (due to lack of studying, laziness)
-Took AP Comp Sci, ended with an A both semesters
-Founder of Math Olympiad at my school
-In Academic Decathlon
-Have competed in various math competitions

  • currently taking AP stats and Calc A/B
  • My personal insight questiosn have been rated slighty above average

You have selected one of the more competitive majors for the UC’s and your GPA will hurt your chances at most of the UC’s but your ACT score is competitive and Subject test scores do show you understand the material.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 6%
UCD: 11%
UCSB: 13%
UCI: 16%
UCSC: 47%
UCR: 64%
UCM: 80%

UCM, UCR and UCSC would be your best chances. Your test scores and EC’s do not make up for a lower than average GPA especially for C’s in Math if you are pursuing a CS major. If you are in-state CA, I hope you applied to some of the Cal States for safeties.

Good Luck.

UCR, UCM and any CSU except CP SLO are very likely to admit you.

Good luck