Chance me for deerfield academy, the thacher school, emma willard school

Hi! Im currently in 10th grade but im switching to online school for personal/family reasons for a term and then transferring to another prep school. i may stay but it is a girls school and i dont mean to be picky but id much rather go to a co ed id be way happier which is why im applying to deerfield and thacher plus its academically way better. it sounds messy which is why i may repeat a year to make sure college apps go smoothly. i live in beijing china and im taking the ssat with the help of a prep school agency.

my safeties- emma willard (ive been preparing since january) and miss halls school

i really want to go to the thacher school bc i feel like id actually be happy there so

here are my stats:

all As-A*s for grade 8 my school did “evaluative” grading so not based off test scores but i did get a B in PE for the first semester

my grades for this semester is going to based off how i do in online school!

Year 9/grade 8 art work secured first place in school competition
Year 11/ grade 10 leader in school team
Part of school yearbook team for 2 years
Self portrait displayed in Chinese exhibition 798
Collaborated with children from migrant school to form a geometric piece to represent the theme of youth
Attended enrichment program for art, received recognition award
Participated in Royal Academy of Arts in England
Member of Unit-E student magazine, designed cover and numerous student articles
Also submitted articles to the magazine
Art displayed in school magazine and newsletter in grade 9
Running a service Instagram account
Submitted non-fiction and poems to Wrizing Magazine in grade 9
Wellbeing Champion for 2 years, mentioned in school newsletter, mentoring a year 8 student. Initiated student appreciation letters.
Engaged in pre-college Global Scholars Notre Dame Program under guidance of professer Julianna Fusezi last year, received an A on transcript

I made an art portfolio using wix and linked my creative writing essay and critical essay to it where i received A* and A for both.

Top 10% GPA - Attainment reward
Representative for KS4 for year 9 options for English, chosen by teacher
Engagement reward for French
Confidence reward for Art

I really dislike my counsellor so i chose my chemistry teacher to write my letter
I am quite close with my english and math teacher so i think i’ll be okay

these arent really strengths but my close friend goes to thacher a lot for football matches bc she goes to their rival school and she tells me great things ab it . would it be worth a mention in the interview or is that weird?

The gateway to prep schools part 1 candidate application is so hard to use and it looks quite empty now that ive submitted it so i was wondering if i could just put my ecs and awards with my art portfolio website or would that seem pretentious??? also i havent paid the fee which means im unable to submit my essays and my interviews are next week…

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For recs you HAVE to get one from your Guidance Counselor, Math, and English teacher. For deerfield I’m pretty sure you can choose a 3rd academic teacher.

I don’t really understand. You said you have been preparing, but for and with what? Awards go in the awards area. Don’t add them to your arts portfolio. The wrong people will be reviewing them. I wouldn’t mention your friend’s impression of her rival school.

Your application is unfinished and you haven’t submitted essays but your interviews are coming up. Interviewers review applications in advance. This is your opportunity to make an impression. Can you reschedule your interviews for when your application is ready, your education is not in flux, and you can create a strong and capable impression. If you are having trouble with Gateway can your parents help you or your friends or the boarding service you mentioned?

No US boarding school wants to be thought of as a safety option or not worth your full effort including Emma Willard and if the quality of your application reflects that belief you will not be admitted.

The schools will definitely need to see your gateway Part 1 for the interviews. The essays and recs can be done by deadline ie Jan15th for most schools. So I would complete that and submit it with your application fee. It shouldn’t take more than an hour and it’s fairly simple.

If you think you would be much happier at a coed school, why not apply to mostly coed schools, instead of mostly single sex schools?

hi, thank you for your advice. i have already completed the part 1 candidate profile but the problem is some information is off. my essay cannot be submitted because i cannot pay the application fee as of right now. my question is can i resend it (my new profile) to my interview or the admissions team? or, as i was saying, adding hours spent etc to my art portfolio because my ecs are mostly writing and art. ive already linked my essays to it.

Hello!! my part 1 profile is already submitted. is it better if i reschedule my interview then ?

As long as part one is submitted go ahead with interviews. Also when part 2 opens up you can put in your additional awards, ecs etc

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Are you applying for financial aid at these schools? Many of them provide fee waivers to help with application costs. Have you inquired? I think it is better to have a full application available when you go into your interview, particularly if you are a Chinese applicant (competitive pool) or financial aid applicant (competitive pool) or foreign citizen financial aid applicant (wildly competitive).


ohh ok. i am not paying the fee until i get my SSAT results back which is very soon i think. im not going for financial aid for any schools. thank youu