Chance me for GW EDII 2022

Hi, here’s a bit about me:

3.3/3.4 UW and 4.0 W
31 ACT but waiting to hear on December scores
9 AP classes, all others were honors other than math until this year
Taking all AP classes for senior year
Team member, then fundraising chair, then president of Model UN team
Won 14 Model UN awards including at Notre Dame, WashU, UChicago
Treasurer of Girl’s Engineering Club
Student Tutor
Worked as a camp counselor for children with special needs
Member of National Honor Society

Applying first for political science and second for computer science

I had home issues (described in my essay and in my counselor’s rec) that held me back from getting better grades. One of my teachers who I got a lower grade in their class is writing my rec and is writing about how I had the skills for an A and showed that every minute of class, but had to prioritize my family over my grades. My dad was also diagnosed with cancer junior year which made those grades decline even more.

A girl from my school with similar stats got into GW EDI yesterday, but I’m still unsure. Thank you.

@NHuffer I’ve seen you do Chance Me’s, got any ideas?

It is hard to say. applying EDII does show interest. What part of the country are your from?

@sdl0625 Chicago

that could help, as you are not the areas that GW usually draws from. Having someone else get from your school already ,not sure how that plays a role. i think your essay is going to play a big role here. (note I am just a parent of a GW student, so my opinion is just that)

if it helps, I got my ACT back and got a 33.

I think your GPA is a bit low but that excellent test score and all the AP’s you’ve taken should certainly help. I agree with @sdl0625 in that you essay will certain play a big factor here, so really put a lot of though/passion into it. I think you’ve got good enough stats, you just need to “seal the deal” if you. Good luck!

You’ll get in. I got in with less