Chance me for Ivies/Stanford?

Currently waiting on my O level results and starting A levels in September

Grades: O level:I gave two exams the previous year and got an A and A* (4.0 GPA equivalent from what i’ve heard)
And I’m expecting atleast 4 A*s this time around (I gave 6 this year)

What I was particularly worried about was the fact that many of the people that got into Ivy Leagues from my country had like 10+ A*s. The only reason I didn’t take up extra subjects was due to my school being new when I was admitted into it, and therefore didn’t provide many opportunities for me to take up extra subs.

In my school examinations, however I secured the highest marks in Economics and English which is a good thing I guess.

For my A levels, I plan on taking atleast 4 subjects (the compulsory amount is 3) and acing them. (A’s and A*s)

I also plan on applying for Stanford and Harvard’s summer programs next year as I hope those courses will make up for the (apparent) lack of subjects I appeared for in O levels. It also seems like a great experience that’ll groom me so I’m not just going there in hopes of increasing my chances at the Ivies.

I’m taking up summer classes for SAT at this amazing SAT prep institute. I’m definitely aiming for a 1500+.

Head of the student council
Was the event head for the school’s anniversary, basically did all the work including organizing and sorting out all the kids into teams, organized the stalls and arranged all the things needed)
Volunteered at my city’s TedX
Ran the school’s cafeteria for a week with my classmates, the proceedings went to charity
Organizer at my school’s yearly Olympic games (2 years)
Organizer at my school’s MUN
Art Club (2 years)
Music Club (1 year)
Volunteered at this local youth organisation (mainly fundraising and running a facebook page)
What i’ll be doing in the future/this summer:
2 Paid Internships (both related to my major of choice)
100 Hours of community service (teaching kids at a local NGO)
Currently filming a documentary on children of the slums for an NGO (which may lead to a 2 week internship in England if the NGO head likes it!)
Going to start our own fundraiser for children’s books and stuff with a few of my friends
Will participate in MUNs and different competitions in the coming year

I know there’s no way to assuredly chance me without solid grades, but I just want to know whether my goals are attainable or not. Any and all input will be highly appreciated!

Make sure you emphasize two or three extracurriculars. I would prob take out art club and music club… maybe emphasize the teaching kids part and MUN/debate. Write your essays with a story that reflects your character. For the ivies, you just need to stay within the 50% range for test scores. Don’t stress yourself out over test scores. If you fall within the median range, just take it and apply with it.

I’m assuming you’re from England? International acceptance rates are lower so you might have a harder time, but give it a shot!

@hhjjlala Thank you for your input! Yes, I’m going to focus more on debating etc and some national competitions next year. I also might start up a community service club next year at my school. And I agree with taking out the music and art clubs because they were not very significant. Do you think also being the student council head in A levels as well would be good? I’ve always had a knack for leadership.

@hhjjlala And I’m from Pakistan actually! Not a lot of students apply to US, but the competition is really tough.