Chance me for Loyola Chicago?

<p>GPA: 3.56 UW, 4.04 W
SAT: 570 math, 660 reading, 730 writing (planning on retaking this after my prep class this summer)
7 honors classes (out of 10), 7 APs (out of 10), w/ an interest in science, history, english, and the performing arts
Extracurriculars: Mock Trial (sophomore yr), Human Rights Board Member/Leader (junior/senior yrs), Confirmation Leader (junior/senior yrs), School Ambassador (freshman to senior yrs), CSF (freshman to senior yrs), Technology Assistance Team (senior yr--it's new)
I know my GPA seems really low, but on the bright side my counselor told me I'm near the top of my class! (Avg weighted for class is ~3.0)</p>

ur good.