Do you guys think i could get in??

<p>My gpa is 2.8-2.9 uw
I'v taken 1 AP class (Biology) and prolly gunna be a Bio major
I didnt take my SAT yet but out of 1600 (math and reading) i think ill get at the very least 1100
Im involved in about 5 clubs and i will prolly be the Pres. of one next year.</p>

<p>What do you guys think??</p>

<p>From the admissions site: "The freshman class entering in the fall of 2005 had middle 50% ACT ranges between 22-27, middle 50% range on the SAT Verbal between 540-640, middle 50% range on the SAT Math between 530-640, and an average GPA of a 3.63"</p>

<p>So low end SAT would be 1070 and high end around 1280.</p>

<p>If you meet your SAT goal (or take the ACT) and are active in clubs (community service based clubs would help a lot!), you might have a good chance.</p>

<p>Is your GPA so low because of the early part of your HS career? If you have shown an upward trend that would help.</p>

<p>Ya its low b/c in freshman year my gpa was really bad cuz i had a bad transistion between public school going into private school but last year i finished with a 3.3 (around there) and this year i hope to finish with about 3.0 hopfully.</p>