Chance me for Madison?

UW: 3.64/ W: 3.8

ACT: 28

Minnesota resident/ half white half Indian

  • Coming from top public school in MN

Took 7 AP’s, scoring 4’s on all of them. (AP stats, Ap calc, Ap Bio, Ap micro, Ap macro, Ap comp gov, and AP human geo). Took one honors course, and around 4 accelerated classes. Also 2 college courses from a local community college.

  • Letter of rec from AP Biology teacher

  • Coming from a lowish income family


-BPA (since sophomore year) - Won Regionals 1st place Junior year (idk if that matters or not)

-Amnesty International (2 years)

  • Volunteer at local Temple (4 years) - received a volunteer award

  • Volunteer at a hospital (3 years)

  • Overseas volunteer in Portugal (1 month)

  • Currently am working at Panera (19 hours a week)

Essays: Pretty decent: 8/10

Applying to the Business school

Thanks :slight_smile:

Would you please explain your actual grades a bit better? With your schedule, I would thinks there would be more of a difference between your weighted and unweighted GPA’s. Subject-by-subject and year-by-year. Did you submit the 28?

Well I took 1 of those AP’s my sophomore year (AP Macro), then 4 my junior year (AP Micro, AP Bio, AP Calc ab and bc, and AP Comp government), and 2 senior year (AP human geo and AP Stats.) My honors course was during freshman year. and I am doing PSEO right now (2 courses). Yes i did submit my 28 act

Also, the 4 accelerated courses were Accelerated Algebra 2, Accerlerated Bio, and Accelerated chemistry, and Accelerated Pre-Calculus, all during sophomore year. also doing accelerated Physics senior year.