Chance Me for Mathematics

I am applying as a transfer student to Cal Poly SLO as a mathematics major. Here are my stats:

Applying: Cal Poly SLO Fall 2019 UC Transfer Student.
Major: Mathematics (Pure)
IGETC: 2 more classes in the spring of 2019.
Major Prep: Finished and have completed the desired programming course
CSU GPA: 3.57
Units: 190 Quarter units by the end of spring 2018 (am a double major with Physics up to Modern).

Worked at investment bank for ~10 hours every week as an intern, and have a job lined up as a tutor in the spring which should also be 5 hours.

Helped run schools Math Club which was around 2 hours a week of commitment

Calc 1-4 (AP Credit for 1 and 2)
Linear Algebra
Differential Equations
Proofs/Problem Solving
Abstract Algebra
Real Analysis
Complex Analysis
Systems of ODEs and Dynamical Systems (IP)
Partial Differential Equations (Planned)
Differential Geometry (Planned)

Mechanics (AP Credit)
Electricity and Magnetism
Relativity/Intro QMech
Quantum Mechanics (IP)
Electrodynamics + Optics (Planned)

Accelerated Intro to Programming in Java
Data Structures

English Communication (A) (AP Credit)
English Composition (B)
Critical Thinking (A)

I took a C in Abstract Algebra unfortunately and that dropped my GPA pretty heavily.
Any and all advice is appreciated, thanks for reading!

@TheFederalist - for the Fall of 2018, the New Transfer Profile states an average GPA of 3.41 - so you are well within range there ( The acceptance rate into Math & Sciences was 18% for new transfers.

Major: Mathematics
GPA: 3.57
IGETC: Done by Spring
Desired and Required courses completed