<p>I'm a senior a URM 3.1 unweighted gpa, took over 10 AP/Honors courses, took Alg 2 with trig, Precalc, AP Calc AB, AP Stats (i'm ahead in math), Class Secretary two years, Senior Class Vice President. Co-founder and VP of Black Student Union, President of Journalism Club, in CSF, Key Club 1900 SAT's (retaking in November, didn't study) Activities coordinater and technology assistant at church (4 years) did sports for 2 years, had a summer job in food service, already know some C++ and coded an app for android. Entered a coding competition and won 2nd place.I'm first gen and my parents are from a different country (i speak the language, english is my 2nd language). my grades aren't that high because of family issues (honestly the only reason i didn't fail classes is because i did well on tests). two math teachers can submit an excellent reference for me.</p>
<p>edited for privacy. - juillet</p>