Chance Me for Nursing Please

Hi, I am a Current senior in a NJ hs (Will Graduate 2016), and I am currently interested in becoming a nurse. I recently visited University of Delaware, and I feel like it’s a perfect fit! Please let me know your opinion on my chances of getting in as a nursing major at UD or any of the other schools listed here. Here are my current stats and my predicted future classes:

8th Grade:
Honors Algebra 1: Pass

Freshman Year:
Accelerated English 1: 97
Accelerated World History 1: 96
Honors Spanish 1: 94
Honors Geometry: 83
Honors Biology: 89
Band: 98

Sophomore Year:
Honors English 2: 96
Honors US History 1: 92
Honors Spanish 2: 93
Accelerated Algebra 2: 85
Honors Chemistry: 90
Personal Finance (half year): 98
Entrepreneurship (half year): 94

Summer: US History 2: 100

Junior Year:
AP English 3: 89
AP European History: 84
AP Psychology: 89
Honors Spanish 3: 87
Accelerated Pre-Calculus: 86
Accelerated Physics: 91

Senior Year Classes
AP Environmental Science
AP Statistics
Honors English 4
Honors Anatomy

I.N.T.E.R.A.C.T. Club: Volunteer–Will be a member all 4 years
Debate Club: Will be a member all 4 years
Student Alliance: Mentor-- Will be a member for 2 years
Volunteer at Major Hospital for about 30 hours
Volunteer at Tutoring Center for 25 hours
Work at Tutoring Center for 3 months so far 2 days a week–6 hours a week

About Me:
Senior in HS in NJ
U.W. GPA: about a 91.524–3.66
W. GPA: About a 95.875–3.835
School does not rank
Class size 502

SAT Scores:

  1. CR: 670 M: 590 W: 720; Total: 1980; CR+M: 1260
  2. CR: 740 M: 650 W: 710; Total: 2100; CR+M: 1390
  3. CR: 630 M: 630 W: 680; Total: 1940; CR+M: 1260
    SAT Super Score: 2110 CR+M: 1390

Other Schools I am Interested in Applying to Nursing Programs are:
University of Delaware
The College of New Jersey
Temple University
University of Pittsburgh
William Paterson
West Chester

You have excellent stats! Good luck, I think you should get great feedback!

My son was recently accepted to UPitt for nursing with stats similar to yours. We are also from NJ. You should apply now though. Admissions are rolling. Good luck! Maybe he’ll see you there too!

In at TCNJ, Temple, Quinnipiac, and Drexel-I don’t know the others very well, sorry!

UDel out of state is one of the most competitive nursing programs for admission.

As noted above, with nursing it is valuable to get your applications submitted as early as possible.