Chance me for NYU, Princeton, & Harvard!

<p>Hey so I know I don't have as many EC's as a lot of people but my scores I believe are pretty decent.</p>

4.37 GPA (4.00 U/W)
2220 SAT (740 across the board, 10 on the Essay)
770 SAT Math 2
750 SAT Physics
31 ACT Composite
AP Calc BC 5, AP Lang 4, AP Physics 4, AP Human Geo 4</p>

- 4 Years HS, lettered 3 years, (captain this year as a senior)
- USAVolleyball youth continental team
- Club team ranked 2nd in California, 4th in Nation
Key Club</p>

<p>The Schools:
NYU, Princeton, Harvard</p>

<p>i’d have to agree with the previous post, you definitely look good for NYU. Harvard and Princeton are just as much reaches for you as they are for anyone. Perhaps you can stand out in your essays and recommendations! You never know.</p>

<p>I’d say NYU is a Match just to be safe</p>

<p>Princeton and Harvard are High Reaches</p>