What are my chances for this Ivy???

<p>Hey guys, I just joined CC recently and I'm a senior. I haven't sent out any ED applications yet, but I'm applying to a bunch of schools regular decision. Can you guys just tell me what you think? I really want to get into a good school.</p>

<p>Basically it's narrowed down to either Harvard or Princeton. I know these two schools are defiantly reaches and I know the atmosphere is very preppy and competitive, which I am OK with!</p>

<p>SAT Score: 1st time: 2280 2nd Time: 2390
SAT II: US History: 800 Math 2: 800 French: 760 Chinese: 800
GPA: 5.00 (weighted)- I might be valedictorian, but we have to see!</p>

<p>AP Scores: AP Statistics- 5, AP US History- 4, AP Physics C- 5, AP Biology- 5, AP Calc BC- 5, AP French- 5, AP Chem- 5, AP English Comp- 3, </p>

<p>Recommendations: All my teachers really like me. I got a letter from the head of the English department to compensate for my 3 on the AP test and I also got a letter from my Calc teacher. I'm a little worried about his writing skills though.... My guidance counselor LOVES me. She's family friends with my Dad and my track coach.</p>

JV Tennis- 4 years (my school is REALLY good at tennis and making Varsity is a big commitment and requires tons of talent.)
JV Track- 4 years
Drama Group- 4 years as a Thespian, 10+ productions
Lincoln- Douglas Debate- 4 years- State ranked. Champion at local tournaments.
Science Olympiad- 3 years- State ranked in several events.
School Newspaper- 4 years, editor as 2 for News.
Charity Group- 4 years, officer for 2: raises money against violence
Orchestra- 4 years as a violinist</p>

<p>Volunteer: 3 years at the hospital helping elderly. 200+ hours.</p>

National Latin Award Winner since 8th grade (gold medal)
Local Awards for Latin Arts and Crafts
National Honor Society Tutor
Merit Scholar Finalist </p>

<p>Interview: Went well, but maybe the interviewer's just nice to everyone?</p>

<p>Essays: They're probably mediocre, but my Dad and Mom paid people to look over them and edit them.</p>

<p>Hook:? I'm half-French and Chinese and Jewish. An interesting combination.</p>

<p>Also, I'm a legacy child. On my Dad's side, everyone from my great-grandparents to my Dad has gone to Harvard. And my grandfather and grandmother taught anthropology there... but I really don't want to major in that so I'm not sure that'll help. </p>

<p>My Mom went to Princeton, but since she's Chinese, I don't really have much other legacy there.</p>

<p>How do I look? I think I'm qualified but Harvard (my DREAM school) is SO hard to get into. What could I improve on? What are my weak points?</p>


Haha, a 2390 will get you rejected everywhere. Why didn’t you retake when you had the chance???</p>

<p>I’d already studied SOOOOOOOO much for the SATs. :frowning: I didn’t have time to study anymore and retake it. But do you really think these 10 points will matter so much?</p>

<p>You’re fine. SAT’s are good, decent AP’s, plus legacies for both Harvard and Princeton.
The only thing that works against you (and me) is your lack of awards and (sort of) lack of ec’s, but that’s compensated by debate and science olympiads.
Good luck!</p>

<p>People like you make me hate chance threads…are you honestly that conflicted? If the ivies care anything about character, you have no chance!</p>



<p>Defiantly! I’m glad they’re so spirited about it!</p>

<p>Yeah, I would say that you would have a very good chance because your SATs are totally amazing and you have like one million APs!</p>

<p>I think you’re better than the average applicant, but still at schools like Harvard & Princeton that isn’t much of a guarantee. You SAT scores are great, I don’t think the 10 points matter at all.</p>

<p>A friend of mine got into Harvard with less EC’s then you… but he also was a much better student then you</p>

<p>(he had a 2370 SAT, 36 ACT, 17 AP classes with all 5’s except AP physics C which he got a 4 in, and have a 4.0 unweighted, straight 800’s on all three of his SAT II’s)</p>

<p>Here’s his AP’s, he listed them for me…</p>

<p>AP Chemistry
AP Physics B
AP Stats
AP US History
AP Calc BC
AP Microeconomics
AP Macroeconomics
AP English
AP Modern European History
AP US Government
AP Comparative politics
AP Spanish
AP Physics C Mechanics
AP Physics C electricity and magnetism
AP Bio
AP Music Theory
AP Art History</p>

<p>That’s just overkill…</p>

<p>My school only offers 6 AP classes!</p>

<p>With the course “path” that I took, the max that I could have taken was 6 as well, 8 is the max as of now, they’ve been expanding their AP program (for classes that I took last year…)</p>

<p>My school is of decent size 1,400 students, but is a pretty poor school. Which brings me to this question: does it help my chances that I’m from a “poor” school in South Carolina?</p>