Chance me for NYU Steinhardt?! XD

<p>29 ACT
12 Writing</p>

<p>3.90/4.00 GPA (UW)
top ~2.3% of large class (800-900)</p>

<p>Taken all AP and advanced classes. </p>

<p>I'm applying Pre-Med with a twist of Public Health. </p>

<p>Other stuff:
-south asian
-I have traveled abroad to provide medical service.
-550 hours of Volunteering at hospital and around community
-I have shadowed tons of doctors
-Co-President, Vice President, Website Developer for Medical and Eco clubs
-Good essays
-Good recs
-UIL competitor (region)
-medical team competitor (state)
-Played competitive tennis
-Congressional Award Recipient
-Advisory Council Representative of my School District (1 of 5 selected)</p>

<p>Just a few things:
-I'm worried cuz i put some of my weak ap scores on the common app, when im not even sending them my official scores. Just one more unnecessary reason to reject..
-submitted my payment/common app seconds after the deadline... </p>

<p>please be honest, people. thanks</p>

<p>Regular Decision btw.

<p>But seriously.</p>

<p>Low-ish ACT (25%). Above average GPA. Good class rigor.</p>

<p>Good chances.</p>

<p>Thank you NYU2013. Does anyone else have any opinions, especially on the “just a few things” section? Is it a big deal?!</p>

<p>I think you shouldn’t really worry about “just a few things”
From what I know, AP scores start to matter if you get accepted. You have to send official scores to get credit. Good scores will definitely help you but a couple bad ones won’t ruin your chance.</p>

<p>And on the common app does it say “downloaded” or “submitted”? If it does, your app went through successfully. And a few days after the submission you’ll get an email from the admissions office which I think you should’ve already received by now. If not, contact the admissions office. </p>

<p>I think you have a really good chance! Great gpa and class rank. I hope we both get it! Good luck :slight_smile: Can you please chance me back if you get a chance? Thanks <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yeah i see what you mean. It says submitted on the common app. I also received the email.
I really hope we do! Best of luck.</p>