<p>I feel relatively confident about my chances, but here are my stats.</p>
<p>-3.77 UW GPA with 10 honors/AP course. A+ in AP Calculus AB of my Junior year and an A in AP Physics B of that same year.
- 1940 SAT (590 CR, 670 Math, 680 W)
- Mediocre extracurriculars but I did start my own app development company.
-OOS Jewish male living in NY</p>
<p>U have a very good chance i believe
Ur SAT exceeds the average of the PennState UP students
Even i would be applying to PennState engineering programme with similiar test scores
And also…have u applied to TexasA&M??
Its really good for the major ur applying to
and also with ur stats it wont be a problem getting in there 
All the best with your applications (Y)</p>
<p>Chance Back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1584088-please-chance-will-chance-backk-d.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1584088-please-chance-will-chance-backk-d.html</a></p>
<p>Thanks. No I am not applying to A & but am considering Colorado School of Mines. How do you think my chances would fair there?</p>