School Type -- magnet school
GPA -- 4.18(W) 3.87(UW) (gives no ranking)
SAT1 -- 2250 (CR730-M770-W750) working for 2300+ in october
SAT2 -- 800s in MathIIC, Chem and World History
ACT(with writing) -- 33
AP -- 5s in World History, Macroecon, Chemistry 5 and Microecon 4
I haven't checked my score report for tests taken in 2008.
waiting for results in Cal BC, Euro His, Psych, Eng. Lang, Env. Science</p>
-3courses(3 units each) at a university in econ, management, and sociology
(will be receiving reference letters from two professors from UPenn. received A+)
-intern at graduate school of public health at a national university for 2.5 months this summer
-intern at school library for one year
-4 week job experience as an English writing TA
-one paper published on a journal(on public health)
-translated a book on environmental science, to be published
-reporter for student newspaper, junior reporters for two commercial newspapers
-head of translation club
-class president (1 semester)
-vice chief of a school department (1 year)
-other various club activities....</ec></p>
300 hrs as volunteer translator(for welfare NGO)
120 hrs as volunteer at a hospital
150 hours as volunteer tutor</volunteer></p>
received some awards at English proficiency competitions at nationwide level.</awards></p>
<p>Schools I will apply to (all pharm D programs):
University of Rhode Island, Northeastern University, Ohio Northern University, St. Louis University, Albany College of Pharmacy, St. John's, and USP.</p>
<p>I know an internatinoal student who received full scholarship to Rhode Island, but I am not so sure about other schools.
Would I stand a chance if I apply for financial aid, or should I just hope that they would grant me scholarships?</p>