Chance me for Purdue FYE EA 2024

kinda freaking out with my EA decision coming so soon! hoping to get into biomedical engineering eventually… here are my stats

white female
rank: 33/800ish
gpa: 4.974 weighted/ 3.91 unweighted
ACT: 34

  • AP HuG -5
  • AP Bio -4
  • WHAP -5
  • APUSH -4
  • AP Lang -4
  • AP Psych -5
  • AP Chem -3
  • AP Stat -4
  • AP Physics 1 -4
  • AP Macro
  • AP US Gov
  • AP Calc BC
  • AP Lit
  • APES
    all other courses taken were Pre-AP or Honors when offered
    3 years of both Spanish and ASL
    400 + volunteer hours with one organization
    solid essay
    involved in all the clubs and honor societies - VP of ASLHS and founder of a Psi Alpha Chapter
    work: nanny and private tutor
    5 years at Vanderbilts summer program
    great recs from teachers and one from a professor at Vanderbilt I worked one on one with

crossing my fingers currently… good luck to everyone!

I would say you have a very good chance. The objective metrics are better than my D (3.80, 31 ACT, 5 APs) who’s now a Junior MechE.