Chance me For SOM :)))) probably wont get in lelelel

Gender: Male
Parents: Both from india mom didnt go to college, dad got undergrad from college in ny
Race: Asian, India
HOOK?: Started my own business with total profits so far of $26,770, helped to pay for my grandpas cancer meds
Income: $65,000
State: NY

Unweighted GPA: 85
Weighted GPA: 87
SAT: 1600

AP Courses :
AP Physics
AP Microeconomics
AP Biology
AP Environmental Science

Extra Circular Activities:
Co Captain Mathletes 2yrs
Orchestra violin 7yrs
DECA Club 2yrs
Model UN 1yr
Interact Club 2yrs

Community Service:
Safe Halloween for my town for 3yrs

Your hook is pretty cool and could be a great essay. I think your GPA and SATs are going to kill you, though. Any chance you could raise it or try the ACTs?